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"Daddy! I want that and that and that and that." I chuckled when Lily pointed a lot of dresses and shoes here in the mall.

"Don't spoil her." I said to Javion and he signed to me to keep quiet.

"Get what you want, Lily." He said to Lily and I slapped his arm a little and glared at him. "This is just for today, Love. No need to worry, I won't spoil her." He smiled and I nodded.

We roamed around here in the mall and Javion bought what Lily's want. A lot of people are looking at us and they're taking a pictures. After we finished shopping, we went to a restaurant and we had a lunch together.

"Daddy will leave after here, okay?" Javion said to Lily in the middle of our lunch.

"Where are you going, Daddy?" Lily asked and I wiped her mouth and helped her to drank a juice.

"Daddy have a work today." Javion said.

"Aren't you going to Olivia?" I asked him and he nodded.

"I'll visit her in the house. Nancy are not talking to me since she found out that I'm with you." He said. I looked at Lily who's busy eating her lunch.

"Can she play with Olivia?" I asked Javion but he shook his head.

"Olivia don't like her." Javion said and I sighed.

"It's okay." I smiled and we continued to eat. Hours had passed and we separated, I brought Lily on JModels to visit Jewel. When we arrived at her office, she's eating a lot of food in her table.

"Dada!" Lily shouted and ran to Kai.

"Our Lily, Dada missed you." Kai hugged her and I smiled.

"What's brought you here?" Jewel asked me while she's chewing the food.

"Lily wanted to see you." I said and smiled in front of Kai. "That's a lot, Eonnie. You might be fat."

"So? Kai still love me." She said and she gummy smiled.

"Of course! Loving each other is the best!" Lily said and with thumbs up.

"That's right, baby but your Moma keep pushing me to sleep outside. She don't love me anymore." Kai said to Lily and Jewel face turned to frown. I laughed so hard, I even clapped my hands because of her reaction.

"Lily." Jewel sighed and trying to calm down. "Come to Moma." She smiled at her and I'm here sitting and can't stopped laughing.

"Is that true, Moma?" Lily pouted and looked back to Kai. "Why is Moma doing that to you, Dada?"

"Because—" Kai took her phone on his pocket and he reads what on the message. I stood up and peeked on his phone. I laughed so hard when I read it.

True Love Will Always Prevail (LISKOOK)Where stories live. Discover now