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Lexie's POV

"Do you think he will accept me?" I said in a shaken voice.  We're here in Jewel's office and they're cheering me up.

"Hey!" Roxy shouted at me. "You're pregnant so stop acting that!"

"Calm down, Lexie. We're here to help you." Jewel rubbed my hands.

"I'll come with you." Jamiyah said and I nodded.

"Javion is here." Kai opened the door and I stood up.

"Let's go." Javion said and I nodded.

"We'll go ahead." Jamiyah stood up too and we went out. We went to the parking lot and Javion opened the door for us. I entered the shotgun seat and tighten the seat belt.

"Don't overthink, Lexie." I felt Jamiyah's hand on my shoulder. I looked back at her and I nodded with a smile. "Think for your future baby." She smiled and I smiled.

"Thank you, Eonnie." I smiled and she nodded.

"Thomas is there, Noona?" Javion asked while driving.

"Dad is controlling his emotion when Thomas is there so I brought him with me earlier." She said.

"Thanks, Noona." Javion smiled. We arrived at their house and my heart keep beating so fast. Javion held my hand and I looked at her. "I'm just here for you." He said and I nodded.

"Thank you." I said and held his hand tighter.

"Let's go." Jamiyah said. "Dad doesn't know about this." She said and she led the way.

Their mansion is beautiful, all of the maids are bowing their heads while we're walking in the hallway. I deeply sighed and smiled. We arrived at the dinning area and Thomas smiled at us.

His Dad's laugh faded when he saw me holding with his son's hand. "Who is this girl?" He asked in serious way.

I smiled even I'm nervous. "I-I am Lexie Louise Bhuwakul, Mr. Jeon—"

"Do you have a company?" He asked.

"Let us sit first, Dad." Javion said. His Dad sighed and Javion pulled me. He pulled a chair for me and I sat beside him.

"Do you have a company?" He asked again and I shook my head. "Then why are you here?"

"She's my girlfriend, Dad. So respect her." Javion said.

"You're engaged, Javion." Mr. Jeon said.

"She's my wife, not Nancy." Javion said.

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