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"I will visit my father later at the hospital. His disease is getting worse. Sometimes his heart is beating slowly." Jamiyah sighed. We're here in Roxy's office.

"Can I go with you?" I asked her and they looked at me.

"What are you planning to do, Lily?" Jewel asked me.

I sighed. "I just want to visit."

"You don't have an appointments today?" Roxy asked me.

"I have but I'm not be longer there." I said.

"Then let's go." Jamiyah stood up.

"Right now?" I asked her and nodded.

"By the way, Lexie, you didn't introduce me to Jonathan Park." Roxy crossed her arms.

"Jonathan Park?" Jamiyah sat again and looked at her.

"She like Jonathan." Jewel said and Jamiyah's eyes widened.

"Don't be startled." Roxy flipped her hair. "I found him attractive."

"Wow! Really?!" Jamiyah covered her mouth and we nodded.

"She even want to be bite by him." I laughed.

"Hey! She's worse! I didn't really expect that she will say that!" Jewel laughed too.

"Rorijade Manoban." Roxy said and Jewel suddenly frowned. "It's a nice name! Why didn't you like that?" Roxy laughed too.

"Stop changing the topic." Jewel rolled her eyes.

"I'd rather to pick the Rorijade than Jewel." Jamiyah said.

"Me too." I said.

"Then use that name to you. I'm now Jewel Kim, I'm a married woman." She said.

"Rorijade Kim." I said. "That's it. It's beautiful."

"Lily Manoban. Why the hell did Mom put that name on you? It's beautiful!" She groaned.

"Because I'm beautiful too." I smiled widely.

"Do you think I am not?" She rolled her eyes.

"Eonnie, let's go." I stood up and took my handbag.

"Hey!" Jewel shouted.

"Let's go, Lexie!" Jamiyah clung her arm into mine and we waved at them. We went out and we entered on my van. We stopped at the fruits shop and I bought a fruits in basket.

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