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"I won't come with you." He took my hand on his wrist. "Nancy told me to not to." He walked.

"Because she's afraid if you will know what's the truth!" I shouted here in the hallway and he stopped walking. "She's afraid that you will come back to me!"

He didn't look back at me, instead he continued his walk. I sat on the floor and cried. I covered my face while crying so hard. I heard the door opened and I looked who came out from the room.

"Are you okay, Mimi?" She sat on the floor and I nodded.

"Mimi slipped on the floor, Lily." I hugged her.

"I love you, Mimi." She hugged me back.

We said good bye to Mr. Jeon after Lily talked to him. We went back to the house and I went to my room. I sighed and sat on the sofa. My shoulders slouched and my eyes were swallowed.

You have no chance, Lexie.

In the next day, I packed my things and booked a two tickets for me and Lily. I'm planning to leave the country and went back to New Zealand after a week. I'll just finish my works here and I'll leave.

"Are you leaving?" Jewel asked me when she came here in my room.

"I'll go home to New Zealand with Lily. I'll finish my works here first and go with her." I said emotionless.

"Why? What happened?" She sat on the bed.

"Nothing. I just want to leave so I can forget him." I said.

"Lily knows the truth. She talked to me last night that a guy named Javion is her father." She sighed and I nodded.

"I don't know what to do, Eonnie." I wiped the tears fell. "I think we're not for each other. I gave up." I covered my face.

"What about Lily? Javion walked out when he found out that Lily is his daughter. I know that Lily is too young for this but she's crying last night. She kept saying 'My daddy don't love me. He walked out. He left me.'" She said and I cried even more.

"He didn't expect that will happened." I cried. "My Lily didn't expect that too."

"As an aunt of Lily, I want a perfect family for her. I want to see her happy with her father." She said. "I'm sorry if I didn't help you that days you were suffering." She hugged me and I cried. "I'm sorry for being not a good sister to you."

I went to my office when the afternoon came. I busied myself so I won't think about him. I was eating my afternoon snack when my brother came in.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Hey!" He pointed me. "Jewel-noona chatted on our group chat that you're leaving!" He shouted.

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