Chapter 8

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Halloween came to Hogwarts pretty quickly and everyone was buzzing about the legendary Weasley twins party that was to be held in the Gryffindor common room that night.

It was Friday night and classes had already finished for the day so Ellie, Jackson, and Luke sat in the great hall, discussing costumes.

"Do we have to wear a costume?" Luke groaned out as Elle nodded her head.

"Yes Luke, you all do!" Fred said as he and George sat by the trio.

"What're your costumes going to be?" Elle asked the twins.

"We are going as greek gods obviously." George said as Ellie playfully rolled her eyes at them.

"That'll be interesting." Ellie said to them.

"What's your costume?" George asked the trio.

"We are all going as vampires." Elle cheerfully told them as Luke and Jack both rolled their eyes.

"Let me guess, Elle is forcing you all to match?" Fred asked as the boys both nodded with a groan.

"It'll be cute!" Elle argued as all the boys rolled their eyes at the blonde.

"Well I'm going to get ready, I'll see you all later." Elle said, standing up and walking up to her room.

Hours later, Elle was fully dressed in her short black dress with a little red cape to go along with it. She wore black heels with it and did her makeup to match her costume with black and red colors, with fake blood dripping on her face. She got fake fangs and out them in as well. Jackson and Luke were both sitting on her bed, waiting for her to do their vampire makeup and put their fake fangs on as well.

"Come on Ellie! Hurry up!" Jackson groaned out.

"Perfection takes time!" Elle yelled out at him.


Hours later, the Twins party was in full effect and Luke and Jackson were already there as Elle finished doing her hair and re-gluing her fake teeth on. She walked down the stairs into the common room to see everyone dancing and drinking in their costumes.

She made her way to where Jackson and George sat.

"Hello, boys!" She greeted, taking the seat on the arm of the chair that Jackson sat at.

"Ello Ellie! You look ravishing!" George complimented her as she thanked him

"Here, have a drink!" Jackson said, handing her his cup as she quickly drank some of it.

"Ew, what is this?" She sputtered out as Jackson laughed at the face she made.

"Firewhiskey." He told her.

"Pour me some more then! This is a party!" She giggled as George poured her a cup and passing it to her.

"George, may I say you definitely do look like a Greek god!" Elle giggled at him as he started faux flexing.

"I know, what can I say? It's the Weasley genes!" He joked.

"Yeah yeah, where's your twin?" She asked him as he pointed to the corner of the room where you could see Lucy and Fred making out.

"Gross..." Ellie muttered under her breath before looking away.

"Well, Miss. Ellie, shall we dance?" George stood up, putting his hand out for her.

"Let's dance!" She cheered, letting him pull her towards the other dancing teens.

The pair spent a long time dancing around with each other, giggling and drinking some more.

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