Chapter 65

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Elle had used the train ride back to Hogwarts to catch up on her sleep as she had left her packing to the last minute. Her train ride included using Jackson as her own personal pillow as she slept, her other friends chatting softly around her to not disturb her.

Once they pulled into the train station at Hogwarts, she and her friends made their way up to the Gryffindor common room where Elle quickly called it a night, drifting off to sleep in her bed, not excited for classes to start again tomorrow.

Monday morning quickly came and before Elle knew it, she was once again in the great hall, using George as a body pillow as she slumped into his side, too exhausted for the day to begin. Jackson let out a small giggle as George accidentally moved his arm, causing Elles head to slightly fall before she frowned, placing it back. He poured the three of them their coffees for the day before pushing her cup towards Elle and George.

She let out a small groan before basically downing her entire glass of coffee, declining to finish any of her breakfast before leaving her friends early, heading to class. She knew she had the first class with Fred but was too exhausted to care about seeing him.

She took her regular seat near the back, resting her head on her desk before accidentally falling asleep. She awoke to Fred sitting beside her, lightly shaking her away as she looked at him confusingly.

"What're you doing?" She muttered out.

"Snape just walked in, didn't want you to get detention." Fred whispered back as she lightly rubbed her eyes.

"Oh, thanks." Elle nodded.

"Yeah... you feeling okay?" He asked, concern laced in her voice.

"Fine, fine." Elle dismissed, tuning into Snape's lecture.

The two sat in silence as they watched Snape talk to the class, assigning another group project.

"Your seatmate will be your partner for this assignment, read chapter 12 and do the assignment write-up at the end of the chapter. This will be an entire semester assignment." Professor Snape said, walking to his desk to sit down as people started to murmur to the person next to them.

"How fun will this be?" Fred sarcastically said, turning to look at her as she let out a small giggle of agreement.


That night, Elle sat in Cedric's room watching as he was flipping through his textbook studying as she grew bored.

"Can you please put away your textbook? I'm bored." Elle huffed, flopping onto the bed next to him as he laughed, shutting his textbook.

"Fine, what do you want to do?" Cedric asked her as she shrugged.

"Have you figured out the egg?" She asked, turning to look at the Golden Egg sat on his dresser.

"Yeah, I have. I opened it underwater and I realized the second task will be in the black lake." Cedric told her as she nodded.

"Are you prepared?" She asked as he shrugged.

"I think so."

"Well, if you need any help, let me know. I'm pretty brainy." She laughed.

"That you are."

"Does Harry know?" Elle asked him.

"I told him today. He helped me out with dragons, thinking I would return the favor." Cedric informed her.

"How sweet." Elle laughed out loud before the two spent the rest of the night watching new muggle movies Cedric got for Christmas.


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