Chapter 83

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October 9th had quickly approached and Elle was excited for her 17th birthday, knowing her friends and Fred would most likely go above and beyond for her day. She started noticing Fred was acting off, whispering more and more around her and quickly ending conversations with their friends when she entered the room and assumed her birthday had something to do with it.

She woke up on Saturday to a loud knock on her door. She sat up and was confused as she saw her bed was empty and that Fred had left early.

"Come in!" She called out, adjusting herself to sit up in bed against her headboard as she watched her entire friend group come tumbling into the room with big grins, most of them jumping on her bed and around her as they yelled out 'Happy birthday!'. She laughed as George fully jumped on Jackson who had lay beside her, before her attention turned to see Fred creeping into her room with a small cake with lit candles on it.

He slowly walked to her side of the bed as the group began to sing the blonde happy birthday. Elle grinned as she looked around at all her friends who sang to her before making a wish and blowing out her candles.

She sat her cake on her nightstand before beaming up at Fred and grabbing his sweater to pull him towards her.

"Thank you." She said as he was finally close enough that she could wrap her arms around him.

"Happy birthday love." Fred smiled down at her before leaning down to plant a kiss on her lips. She took this as an opportunity to pull him towards her even more, laughing through the kiss as he fell on top of her, accidentally kicking Ian in the head as he fell.

Fred stayed still as he landed on top of Elle, laughing as he squished her but she embraced the cuddle she was getting. When the two had moments like this, it made them feel as if there wasn't anyone else in the room.

Unfortunately for them, there was.

"Hello? We're here too." Luke complained, grabbing one of her pillows to hit Fred in the back with.

"Well, you guys could always leave." Fred rebutted as Luke hit him again, "You asked us here!"

"Yeah yeah, alright." Fred groaned out, rolling off of Elle and in between her and George as he slightly shifted the blonde so the two could sit more comfortably with their ten-person group all cramped on the one queen-sized bed.

"So what's the plan for today?" Elle asked as Fred gave her a look, "Why do you just assume we have something planned?"

Elle laughed as she snuggled more into his side, moving both of her legs to overlap his as he pulled her more onto his lap, "Because you're you, and our friend group is very co-dependent on each other. So, again I ask, what's the plan for today?"

"Get dressed as we're heading to town," Fred told her as the group stood up to leave her to get ready.

"Come out when you're ready," Jackson told her, leaning down to give her a quick hug as he wished her a happy birthday under his breath.

Elle quickly got ready before heading out to the living room to see her friends all sitting ready to go. They quickly stood up and followed each other through the halls of Hogwarts and towards the village. On the way, the group ensured to wish the blonde a happy birthday, one too many times as she laughed and let Fred pull her into his side, draping his arm around her shoulders. He helped her up into the carriages before the group all squished into one.

Elle's anticipation bubbled as she and her friends ventured into the charming village of Hogsmeade, the cobblestone streets bustling with wizarding folk going about their day. The crisp autumn air held the promise of adventure, echoing with laughter and the distant chime of shop bells.

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