Chapter 10

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Monday morning dreadfully came for Elle and she woke up in Luke's bed. She sighed as she stood up, knowing she would have to face Theodore today. She quickly left their room before running up to get changed for classes in her own room. When she went back to the common room she saw Luke waiting for her.

"Ready?" He asked her as she nodded, linking her arm through his as they made their way to the great hall.

Once they walked in they saw all the Slytherins turn to stare at her. Jackson quickly walked to meet the two friends, as the boys sent scowls to the laughing Slytherins as they all went to sit at the table with the twins for breakfast.

As they sat, the twins both gave her a look.

"What?" She asked them.

"Uh, we heard some things this morning..." George trailed off just as one of Theodore's friends walked up to Elle and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Elle?" He asked as she turned her head to look at him.

"Yeah?" She asked him as he looked down at her, smirking.

"I wondered what you were doing tonight? Hoping you and I could have some fun as you did with Theo?" He smirked at her.

"Theo and I didn't do anything!" She harshly said to him.

"Awe come on, you don't have to lie to me. We all heard about how you were begging for him, wanting someone to fuck you good. I can do much better than Nott." He said before using his hand to caress her face as she jerked backward.

"I didn't sleep with Theo, and I certainly wasn't begging for anything." She sneered.

"Come on slut, stop lying to me." He scowled back at her, causing Jackson to jump up and tackle him to the floor as they started fighting. Before anyone from the Gryffindor table could get up to even stop them, Snape stood from his place at the teacher's table, using his wand to separate them just as Jackson had planted a harsh punch to the side of his face. Elle gasped hearing his nose crunch.

"Detention! Both of you! Jackson, go to Dumbledore's office, you, go to the hospital wing." Snape hollered as the two stood up.

"That goes for any of you, call her a name like that again and see what happens!" Jackson yelled out before storming out. Elle went to get up to follow him when Snape walked by.

"I wouldn't do that Miss.Mackin, I would recommend staying here." Snape told her, before following after Jackson.

"Oh my god, I hope Snape doesn't give Jackson too much trouble, he was just trying to defend me," Ellie sadly sighed.

"He will be fine, he's in Slytherin, Snape will go easy." Luke comforted the blonde as she nodded.

"Maybe you should tell your Uncle..." George told her as she nodded her head lightly.

"Maybe..." She softly said.

After the Gryffindors ate their breakfast, they saw Professor Snape walk back in.

"Hi Professor, I was wondering where Jackson is." Elle asked as he walked past.

"He is serving detention with Mr.Filch. He shall meet you in your first-period class." Snape told her as she nodded.

After it was time for class, Elle said goodbye to Luke, Fred, and George, ensuring she would be fine to walk to class on her own as she walked to her Transfiguration class, waiting for Jackson to come in.

Just before class was about to start, Jackson came running into the classroom.

"How nice of you to join us, Jackson!" Professor McGonagall called out as he sent her a sheepish grin before taking her seat next to Elle.

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