Chapter 15

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It was now the day everyone would head back to Hogwarts and Elle was nervous. Fred and she never spoke about what happened between them on New Year's Eve and when she finally woke up January 1st, all the Weasleys had already left. She was nervous to see for the first time since. It was currently January 10th so it's been quite a few days since.

"Elle, you all packed up?" Jackson asked, ducking his head into her room.

"Yeah, let me get Chanel's cage and my trunk and I'll meet you down there." Elle nodded at him, quickly grabbing her things before meeting her family in the living room.

"We won't be able to go to the train with you kids so Chris will bring you." Mary said to her kids.

"We will miss you Jackson if you need anything, you let us know, okay?" Mary said to her fourth kid'.

"I will, thank you again for everything." Jackson smiled at her before being brought in for a hug by Ben.

As everyone said goodbye, Elle quickly hugged her Mum.

"I'll miss you my sweet." Mary smiled at her, hugging her tightly.

"I'll miss you two Mum." Elle grinned at Mary before going to hug her Dad.

"You be good darling okay? I love you." Ben smiled at her as she hugged her Dad back.

"I'll be good. Love you too." Elle said to her Dad as she grabbed all her belongings, ready to go to the train.

"Are you excited to see Loverboy? After your kiss?" Jackson teased her.

"Kiss? What kiss?" Elle quickly asked.

"The kiss you both shared during truth or dare, duh." Jackson said as Elle sighed in relief.

"Oh yeah, it'll be fine." Elle sighed before Chris grabbed the three tins, apparating to platform 9 ¾.

"Alright, you kids be good." Chris teased before hugging the three of them goodbye.

"I'll load your things on the train, see you both at Hogwarts," Nathan said, grabbing their trunks and Chanel's cage, loading her into the pets section before boarding the train himself.

"Where's Fred and George? On the train already you think?" Elle asked as Jackson shrugged.

"Dunno. Luke is always here early, he's probably on the train, lets go look." Jackson suggested, pulling Ellie onto the Gryffindor compartments as they started to look in each compartment.

They quickly found Luke sitting in an empty compartment.

"Luke! Glad we found you." Elle grinned at him, taking a seat opposite of him as Jackson sat beside him.

Soon, Lee Jordan opened the door.

"Hey guys, do you know where the twins are?" He asked as Elle shrugged.

"I don't think they are here yet." Luke said as Lee nodded.

"Want to sit with us? We are waiting for them too." Elle asked as Lee nodded, taking the third spot beside Luke and Jackson.

A few minutes later, the doors opened to spot the two red-headed twins.

"It's the Weasleys! Finally!" Lee joked out as Fred and George sat on either side of Elle.

"Nice earrings love." Fred whispered into her ear as she was wearing the 'F' and 'G' earrings.

"Why thank you." She blushed at him before turning back into the conversation with her friends.

"Are you excited to use your new broom?" Elle asked Jackson as he nodded his head.

"What broom did you get?" Lee asked.

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