Chapter 28

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Elle stood on the Hogwarts train platform waiting for Fred to come back after loading their luggage on the train and she was ready to go home for the summer.

She knew she wanted to say goodbye to Olivia and Cedric for the summer as she wasn't sure if she would see them over the vacation. Her eyes scanned the platform until she saw her favorite redhead walking back towards her.

"Are you ready to go love?" Fred asked, wrapping his arms around her waist, lightly tugging her towards him, smiles on both of their faces.

"I'll meet you on the train love. I have to say goodbye to Cedric and Olivia first." Elle told him as he pulled a face at Cedric's name. "What?"

"You know he likes you, right?" Fred mumbled as she let a small giggle escape.

"You know I'm dating you, right? Cedric knows that and he respects that. You don't need to worry." Elle soothed his thoughts as he let out a small sigh but nodded.

"I know. Alright, tell Diggory I said have a good summer. I'll save you a spot on the train." Fred smiled at her, leaning down and quickly pressing a kiss to her lips before walking on to the train.

Elle then started walking towards the Hufflepuff compartment, quickly finding Olivia talking to one of her Hufflepuff friends.

"Olivia! I just wanted to say goodbye and have a good summer." Elle told her, bringing the Hufflepuff girl in for a hug.

"I'll miss you, Ellie! Make sure you write to me!" Olivia grinned at her.

"I will! Do you know where Cedric is?" She asked as Olivia pointed a bit farther down the platform. Elle thanked her and made her way towards him. He quickly spotted the blonde walking towards him and a smile lit up his face.

"Elle! Coming to say goodbye?" He asked as she nodded.

"I am... wanted to make sure I caught you before we got on the train." Elle told him.

"Ah yes, I'm glad you did. So, any big plans for the summer?" He asked as she shrugged.

"Not really. Probably just hang out with Fred or around my house. I'm not really sure, what about you?" She asked.

"My Dad keeps talking about the Quidditch World Cup so hopefully we can get tickets." Cedric told her just as the warning bell went off, saying the train would depart in two minutes.

"Alright, I should say goodbye. I'll write to you." She told him, bringing him in for a hug as he wrapped his arms around her as well. The two hugged for a few more moments before she stepped back from the hug, giving him one last goodbye before running over to the Gryffindor compartment, quickly going on and looking through different compartments until she found Hermione, Ron, and Harry all sitting together and thought she should say her goodbyes to them as well.

She opened the compartment doors, offering the three large smiles.

"Ellie!" Hermione cheered, jumping up and giving her a quick hug.

"Hermione! I'll miss you over the summer, if you need anything or want someone to talk to, you can write to me, alright?" Ellie said to the girl.

"I will! Thank you, Elle."

"Of course. I'm sure I will see you over the summer, Ron. Your brother is going to force me over to the burrow lots I'm sure." Elle smiled at Ron as he gave her a sheepish grin in return, obviously still having a crush on her.

"Elle... can I speak with you alone?" Harry hesitantly asked as she nodded, going to the hall so the two could speak alone.

"What's up Harry?" She asked.

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