Chapter 2

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"Oi Freddie! Be quiet!" Elle heard a loud voice from where she was laying. Elle in a dazed state sat up to realize she was sitting on the Gryffindor common room couch, using Luke's body as a pillow.

"Oh sorry, princess! Did we wake you?" Elle looked up to see a smug Fred Weasley had spoken as he and George were sneaking back in after curfew.

"Sorry Ellie, nice to see you." George said, offering the tired girl a smile.

"Hi Georgie, hello Weasley." She said addressing George and then Fred.

"Awe, still don't like me?" Fred teased her as she rolled her eyes.

"Luke, Luke! Wake up! We fell asleep in the common room." Elle said, quickly shaking her friend away.

"Oh what? Oh hey Weasleys." Luke nodded to the redheads as he sat up.

"Hey Luke." They both nodded at him.

"Well, I'm going to go up to bed, goodnight Luke." Elle said standing up before walking up to the twins, giving George a quick hug.

"Missed you Georgie, goodnight." Elle said, offering him a small smile as she tiredly made her way up to her room, quickly laying in her bed.


The next morning, Elle woke up and quickly got ready before heading down to the common room to see Luke waiting for her.

"Morning, ready to go?" Luke asked her as she nodded, the both of them heading down to the great hall to see Jackson standing outside of the entrance.

"Oh, finally you guys are here." Jackson said as Elle giggled at him before the three of them sat at the Gryffindor table, serving themselves breakfast. Soon, McGonagall made her way over handing the three of them their schedules.

Elle quickly looked over hers and the boys to see what classes they shared.

"Nice! I have 4 out of 6 classes with you guys!" Elle cheered as the boys both nodded with smiles.

"At Least you'll have me to face your Uncle with you." Luke said as Elle laughed but nodded.

After breakfast, Jackson and Elle both said goodbye to Luke before making their way to Transfiguration.

They took seats in the back of the class as Elle quickly brought out her textbook.

"Do you mind if we share? Dad didn't let me go to Diagon Alley or give me any money for it." Jackson quietly told her as she nodded, sliding the book to be between them.

"Good Morning class! This year is important for you as this year is your O.W.L year, the first essay that is due is about the vanishing spell, Evanesca. 3 full parchments by the end of the week, you may start reading and writing now!" Professor McGonagall instructed as everyone opened their textbooks, quick to start.

"O.W.Ls are going to kill me this year, I'm not smart like you." Jackson groaned from beside her.

"You are very smart Jack, but if it makes you feel better, I'll help you study!" Elle cheerily told him as he nodded at her with a small smile on his face.

After Transfiguration, Elle made her way to Herbology to meet Luke. She walked into the greenhouse to see that Luke had saved a spot for her next to him.

"Hey! How was Transfiguration?" Luke asked her.

"It was fine, prepare for lots of textbook work due to O.W.Ls." Elle told him as he playfully sighed.

"Hello, class! Today we will be working with and learning about Fanged Geranium!" Professor Sprout said excitingly, entering the class.


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