Chapter 25

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Elle and Fred currently were in the quidditch supply closet in silence as both of their heads were spinning with what just happened. After minutes of silence, Fred spoke up.

"What did Theo mean? About Chris' Father?" Fred asked, watching as she froze with his question before turning to face him. "I mean, you don't have to tell me..."

"No no, I want to tell you. I really do. It's just been a lot for my family to deal with and I do trust you. It's just if it ever got out, I don't even want to know what would happen." Elle stammered out as Fred walked over to her, gently grabbing her arms.

"Elle, I would never tell anyone, anything, you tell me. I promise." Fred told her as she slightly nodded, agreeing with his words.

"Christopher's Dad became a death eater. He told Chris he could either join him or get out of his house, hence, why he lives with us now and why we don't talk to my Uncle." Elle told him.

"That explains a lot actually. Charlie has always been so secretive about Chris and his family. Elle, you know I would never tell anyone that. I don't care about some crazy Uncle you have when I have you right in front of me." Fred told her with a smile as she dove into his arms, bringing him in for a comforting hug that she definitely needed. She was glad that someone finally knew as she felt like she didn't have this big secret hanging over her and their relationship.

"Thank you, Freddie... now let's get back to work." Elle told him before lightly shoving him away with a grin as Fred went back to work on his side of the shed.

After the two had cleaned and reorganized the shed up to McGonagall's standards, they sat on the grass outside, leaning their bodies against the shed from the outside, both tired from their long day.

"I have a question for you now..." Elle said, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"And what's that?" Fred asked, lacing his hand with one of hers.

"Why did you get so jealous earlier with Cormac and Theo? You know that I have continuously turned down Cormac for you, right?"

"I know. It still bothers me though, I don't like the thought of anyone liking you besides me. Especially with his creepy remarks. Also, Theo had it coming to him, don't you think love?" Fred asked as a small laugh escaped her lips.

"I guess you have a point. Any other reason Freddie?" She teased as he playfully rolled his eyes.

"Fine love, you caught me. I really like you and I want to be with you." Fred told her as she blushed.

"I really like you to Fred, and I want to be with you." Elle smiled as she felt Fred grab her face as he leaned down, kissing her softly.

"Elle Mackin, will you do me the honor of being my beautiful girlfriend?" Fred quietly asked her as she grinned, nodding her head before leaning up to kiss him again.

"I take that as a yes. I didn't really plan on asking you outside of the quidditch supplies shed but, here we are." Fred joked as they both let out small laughs.

"Should we head back up to the common room?" Fred asked as she let out a small nod, allowing him to pull her up with himself as the two walked hand in hand back up to the castle and into the Gryffindor common room.

The couple walked into the common room to see George, Lee, and Luke all sat around.

"Look at the lovebirds. Took you guys long enough I finished Snape's classroom like an hour ago." George joked as Fred took a seat on the chair opposite them, pulling the blonde on his lap.

"We talked for a bit after." Fred told his twin as the three boys all wiggled their eyebrows suggestively.

"Talked, huh?" Luke teased as Elle shot daggers at her best friend.

"I actually asked her to be my girlfriend, officially." Fred announced as their friends cheered.

"About time! You guys have been 'just friends' for months." Lee teased as they both blushed at his words.

"Well, we always knew they were not just best friends but glad he finally asked you out Elle." George said, causing Elle to smile at his words.

"Thanks George."

"So does this mean that we should expect you in our dorm every night?" Lee joked.

"Our fifth roommate." Luke continued.

"Of course she is. Speaking of that, come on love." Fred laughed, standing to pull Elle up the staircase and to his dorm.


A few days after Fred and Elle had become official, the news had spread like wildfire across the school. It seemed like everyone and anyone knew about the pair, even the teachers knew.

Fred was currently in his Divination class that he shared with George as the pair sat at a table, listening to the Professor drag on and on as they were learning about using the crystal ball to see their futures and who would be in it. Once the Professor instructed them to turn to their own ball, Fred did just that. He looked at his, following the teacher's instructions on how to get the proper reading, and finally saw his future. Or at least, parts of it.

He saw him and George in Diagon alley, looking up at some empty storefront, he saw him and Elle at the burrow with both of their families there, in a celebration. His future continued to present itself to him, with lots of future memories with him and George and of course Elle. He was glad to see she would be in his future.

He continued watching to see that Elle was on her knees in the quidditch pitch, bawling, as it looks like everyone stood in the stands, shocked at whatever they were seeing, he saw himself dancing with Angie as he saw Elle dancing with a mystery person and he could not see who it was at.

The last two images he saw was him laying on the ground of Hogwarts, rubble surrounding himself as Elle sat beside him, in tears as the two stares at whatever was going on around them and the very last image was him looking at fancy and expensive rings with Nathan, Elle's brother before the ball stopped displaying images.

Fred was shocked at what he saw, not entirely sure what all those images meant, and grew nervous to see what would happen in the future for him and Elle.

"Fred, what did you see? Are you okay?" George asked his twin, seeing Fred totally speechless for the first time in his life.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I saw us on Diagon alley, some stuff with Elle, and then a fancy ring. I'm not really sure what it meant. What about you?" He asked.

"I also saw us at Diagon Alley, maybe that means Weasley Wizard Wheezes will take off. I then couldn't really see a lot after that, something happened to you and me at Hogwarts that stopped all my other memories but I'm not sure what." George shrugged.

"Was it bad?" Fred questioned.

"I'm not sure. Let's hope now. But hm, you and Elle in the future?" George teased as Fred nodded.

"Yeah. I don't have any memories without her."

"Till death due you part." George joked before the two started listening to the Professor once again.

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