Chapter 68

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After days of Elle ignoring Fred after their talk in the classroom that was interrupted by Snape, she didnt want to talk or even look at him because she didnt know what to say, and didnt want to know what he would say next. It was all too much for her. She loved Fred, still, but she knew how Cedric felt about her and Cedric had never hurt her before so she wanted to like him. But once she realized, standing in that classroom face to face with Fred, she didnt want to be around Cedric because it made her feel guilty.

She loved Cedric as a best friend, but she knew he had developed deep feelings for her and it made her feel too guilty to be around him. So, she had decided to spend the next two days going to her classes and returning to her room by herself, undetected by either Fred or Cedric. She had started to get lonely hanging out on her own as she didn't want to bother her happily coupled up friends with her problems over which boy she liked or didn't like so she went to seek comfort from her brother. Now, she lay on her brother's bed in the Ravenclaw tower as she waited for him to return from quidditch practice.

Nathan was head boy so Elle didnt have to worry about explaining to any of his roommates why she was there and flipped through her book on his bed. She knew her friends wouldn't expect her there, as Nathan and Elle didnt spend a lot of time together at school so it was her safe haven.

Elle got startled when his door whipped open and she looked up to see Riley.

"Oh, Elle? Sorry, I didnt know you were in here." Riley apologized, stopping in the doorway.

"Hey Riley, yeah sorry I'm hiding out in Nathans room." Elle said with a small sigh as Riley approached the blonde, sitting next to her on the bed as Elle sat up.

"What's going on? Why are you hiding?" Riley asked as Elle stayed silent for a moment, trying to put together what she could say.

"Okay, so you know how I used to date Fred?" Elle asked as Riley nodded, encouraging her to continue, "Well we had a messy breakup, I'm sure Nathan told you about it, we both were jealous and didnt communicate well with each other. Once we broke up, I became closer with Cedric and he became close with Angelina, who he kissed only days after we broke up and we didnt talk for a long while. But now we have been broken up for like three months and we've become almost like friends? It cant be awkward sometimes but we were mostly fine but I know he's upset about Cedric and me getting closer, but what does he expect? He broke up with me! He and Cedric got into a fight the other day and then Fred revealed he was still in love with me, it's just, ugh it's bad."

"Is Cedric the guy he was jealous about?" Riley asked as Elle nodded, "And I'm assuming you were jealous of Angelina? Well, that wasn't right of either of you, sorry to say, Elle. What's going on between you and Cedric and him and Angelina?"

"He claims nothing is going on between him and Angelina, and god I hope he's right but I know thats selfish of me. And Cedric and I... well Cedric has confessed he really likes me, more than a friend and even kissed me but I told him I wasn't ready. Cedric is a great guy, I know that and I know he would be really good for me hypothetically, but I don't think I could ever love someone as much as I love Fred. I always believed he was my soulmate while we were together and now I don't know what to do." Elle told Riley as the redhead nodded.

"Well, thats understandable... I don't know what to tell you, Elle, just follow your heart." Riley told her as Elle nodded, the two falling into a comfortable silence.


That night in the Gryffindor common room, Angelina sat with Alicia and Katie, gushing over Fred and how close the two were becoming.

"He makes me tea in the morning... it's so sweet." Angelina hummed as Katie and Alicia sent each other a look.

"You ask him too..." Katie pointed out.

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