Chapter 21

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Elle woke up the next day with a giant smile on her face. The night before with Fred was amazing. After he asked her out on a date, the two spent hours just talking and star gazing together before they called it a night, saying goodbye with another kiss.

Elle couldn't help but be excited for her date with Fred as it was her first official date, ever.

Elle quickly got herself ready before heading down to the common room to see her friends had already left for breakfast. She quickly made her way to the great hall and saw the guys all sitting together, minus Luke. She took a quick glance at the Hufflepuff table to see Olivia still had not shown up either, meaning the two were still together.

Elle quickly took a seat between Jackson and Lee, across from the twins. Fred shot her a quick grin before pouring her coffee. She quickly thanked him before serving herself some breakfast. Her friends and she chatted for a while, enjoying the morning after a ridiculously fun night.

"So Lee, where were you last night?" George teased him.

"I ended up staying the night in Heather's dorm. Don't give me that look!" Lee said, quickly shooting a glare at both twins who had teasing looks across their faces.

"Yeah Fred, you are one to speak. You didn't get back in the dorm until after midnight." George quickly teased his twin, causing both Fred and Elle's faces to go red.

"Oh shove off." Fred mumbled at his twin, shooting him a glare.

"Anyways, what are you guys up to today? There's no official quidditch game but I wanted to run a few plays." Jackson spoke.

"I'm in!" George quickly said, excited for the chance to play a friendly game.

"I'll play too." Lee nodded, not being able to play as much as he would have liked as he instead did the commentary for the games.

"I'll ask Luke too. Whenever he shows up for breakfast." Jackson said followed by a small laugh.

"What about you Fred?" George asked as he shook his head no.

"I've got plans." Fred told him, shooting a quick and small look at Elle before she smiled down at her breakfast.

"What about you Ellie? Want to at least watch?" Jackson asked her as she also shook her head no.

"I can't..." Elle trailed off, not giving them information on what her plans actually were. The other three boys quickly looked between Fred and Elle.

"Are you two hanging out? Are these your plans?" George teased.

"Elle and I are just going to Hogsmeade." Fred tried to speak nonchalantly as Jackson and Lee cheered.

"Shut up." Fred muttered at his friends, patiently waiting for Elle to finish her breakfast so they could leave. After some more relentless teasing towards Fred and Elle as well as Jackson sharing his new quidditch practices with the guys, Elle had finished her food.

"Are you ready to go?" Fred asked her to which she nodded.

"See you two lovebirds later." George teased them as the two stood up, Fred smacking the back of George's head on their way out.

"So, excited to go to Hogsmeade?" Fred asked, draping his arm over Elle's shoulder as they walked towards the caridges.

"Very excited. Any shops, in particular, you want to go to? I would assume zonko's." Elle said as Fred nodded in return.

"Of course. I promised George I would bring him back fireworks. Also honeydukes." Fred nodded as she agreed. They made it to the caridges, Fred opening the door for Elle to step through first, before following her in. After a ride of idle chit-chat, they arrived. The two hopped out and started walking through the streets of the village.

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