Chapter 55

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A few more days had gone by, leaving Elle sat alone in the library Wednesday evening working on some homework for Snape's class. She was starting to get used to being alone more, and getting used to being without Fred.

Her friends hung out with her a lot but it was just different. She was used to hanging out with Fred, every day as much as she could. It felt weird, being on her own. She didn't want to seem clingy by always being with her friends, or feel like she was bothering them but she hated this feeling. The feeling of loneliness, isolation even. She wasn't used to it. Before she had ever got with Fred or became closer with George, she spent all of her time with Jackson and Luke. Now her two best friends had relationships that she respected, and loved for them. She was glad they were happy, but now she understood how they must have felt when she and Fred were getting together.

She spent more time on her own than anyone else. She wasn't sure if that was because of her friends being busy, or if she found herself distancing herself from her friends, almost finding the loneliness comforting in a sad, sad way. The loneliness reminded her it was okay to be sad and take time for her to heal. She hated constantly talking about her feelings, and how heartbroken she felt over Fred essentially leaving her but she felt as if no one truly understood her or her emotions. Fred was her first love, her best friend and so much more. He was her first time, her first serious relationship, and now being apart she realized how close the two really were and how much she depended on him.

He made her feel safe and growing up with her Dad being in the line of work he's in, her family never truly, truly felt safe. He made her feel protected, and loved, in ways, she didn't know she could be. And all of that was gone now.

She was honestly surprised she hadn't snapped yet and tried to hex Angelina into oblivion.

Elle checked her watch, realizing dinner was almost over and she hadn't eaten anything that day so she packed up her work, making her way to the great hall, and saw Gigi, Olivia, and Luke all sat together with Fred, George, Angelina and a few of her friends not that far up the table. She admired her friends for sticking by her side, almost icing Fred out but she found herself still feeling bad for him. He seemed to be fine though, fitting right back in with Angelina and her clique.

She had realized she had zoned out, staring at the table when she felt someone walk up beside her, slinging their arm over her shoulders, startling her. She turned her head to see Cedric beside her, a large cheesy grin on his face as he began to lead her towards their four friends.

The two now joined them, getting involved in the conversation being had, Gigi and Liv were discussing the muggle world while Luke asked questions, trying to understand further how different the two worlds really were.

Elle took a seat across from Cedric, sending him a grateful smile for him pulling her out of her daze and he nodded at her as if to say no problem without bringing further attention to it.

Elle began to load up her plate for dinner as she noticed Gigi pouring the both of them tea. Elle had realized the past few days how close she and Gigi had already become, without needing to know each other that long as Gigi was able to understand how she was feeling without her needing to say it. She knew that Elle felt that Fred pouring her coffee and tea every day that it was an act of love, and since Elle had become Gigi's best friend over her short time, she decided she would make sure she knew how loved she was whenever she could.

Elle began chatting with her friends while they all ate their meal before something caught her eye. She saw that Fred had thrown a piece of paper at Ron and was watching as his younger brother read it. Ron sent him a glare as he began to mouth words back and Fred shrugged, turning to throw a piece of paper at Angelina as she turned to him irritated.

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