Chapter 62

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After a long but fun day in Hogsmeade, with Elle and Cedric meeting up with Dylan and Ian later in the afternoon to get some butterbeers at the Three Broomsticks, before the four of them made their way back to the castle before the three boys dropped Elle off at the Gryffindor doors before returning to Hufflepuff.

Elle walked into the common room after saying goodbye to the three and grabbed her dress that Cedric had been carrying all day for her to see a crying Ginny on one of the couches and the blonde made a beeline to make sure the young girl was okay.

"Ginny, are you okay?" Elle asked, quickly wrapping a comforting arm around her as Ginny looked up at her through her tears.

"Why are you comforting me after Fred broke up with you?" Ginny cried out as Elle soothingly rubbed her back.

"Ginny, just because Fred and I aren't together anymore, doesn't mean I won't still be there for you when you need me, okay?" Elle reassured, gently wiping away some of her fallen tears.

"Okay..." Ginny nodded, "Thank you Ellie."

"Of course Gin, now tell me what's going on." Elle encouraged as Ginny began to open up to her, telling her about how she had been lightly seeing Dean, and how he and she have been getting into fights over nothing which left her alone and sad almost every night. Elle held the girl as she cried harder, going through one of her first-ever heartbreaks and not knowing how to get over it.

Elle gave her encouraging words as she continued to calm her down before Ginny was only left in sniffles but calmer nonetheless.

"Thank you for talking to me about it Ellie, I don't even know how to deal with Dean now..."

"Just talk to him, communication is key." Elle encouraged as Fred and George walked down the stairs into the common room.

"I'd have to agree with her Gin, try talking to Dean." Fred encouraged the two walking towards their sister.

"And if he's still an asshole, Fred and I will jump him." George shrugged as Ginny let out a small giggle.

"Thank you for talking with me Ellie." Ginny sighed out, turning to smile at the blonde.

"Of course Gin."

"Come on Gin, let's go raid the kitchens." George softly said, pulling up his sister as the two began to leave. Elle stood, wanting to escape the room and Fred before she heard him call after her.

"Yeah Fred?" Elle said, turning to face him.

"Uh, thank you... for talking to Ginny." Fred muttered out as the two locked eyes. Elle gave a subtle nod, with an even tinier smile.

"'Course Fred. I love Ginny." Elle said before disappearing up the stairs as Fred ran after his siblings to catch up.


Saturday night Elle spent by herself, catching up on some readings she had been wanting to do before falling asleep, and waking up early in the morning and fighting the urge to already go bother Cedric.

She took a quick shower before getting ready for the day and making her way to the Hufflepuff common room, slipping in behind some younger kids before walking up to Cedric's room, shutting the door behind her.

Elle let out a small giggle as she watched Cedric's sleeping body, his chest rising and falling with every breath he took. She walked towards his bed, taking a seat on the side of it as she shook him lightly to wake him up. He slightly opened his eyes, having that sleepish confusion across his face as he looked at Elle.

"Elle? What time is it?" He sleepily mumbled out, rolling over so she had more room and he was laying on his back. The blanket fell off his chest to expose his bare chest and she crawled farther into his bed.

"Almost 7." Elle told him, giggling as he widened his eyes at her.

"Not that I'm complaining, but why are you here so early?" He asked as she shrugged.

"I got bored."

"So whenever you get bored, you break into my room?" Cedric laughed out.

"Precisely. Time to wake up." Elle told him as he let out a groan.

"Do we have to get up, or can we watch the breakfast club again?" Cedric pleaded as Elle eagerly nodded, hopping up to start the movie before climbing back into bed to snuggle closer to Cedric.

Hours later, after watching the breakfast club, twice, the two stayed laid up in Cedric's bed, not wanting to move anywhere as Cedric was pretty comfy with both his arms wrapped around Elle as the two cuddled.

"You know, Elle, I have something to tell you." Cedric mumbled out, his nerves growing as she sat up to look at him better.

"What's up, Ced?" Elle hummed out, reaching over to lightly run her fingers through his hair.

"I uh, actually wanted to tell you something... about how I'm feeling, about you, and us." Cedric began to stammer, "Elle, I uh, really like you and I want to be with you, like, more than friends."

"Cedric... you are so sweet, and I appreciate you being there for me, and I like how close we have become, but Fred and I just broke up, and I'm not ready." Elle sighed out, feeling bad for what she felt was leading on Cedric.

"Oh... I get it." Cedric nodded, looking away from her.

"But Cedric, that doesn't me I won't ever be ready, for like, moving on, I really care about you, I do. You are good for me and to me." Elle said as Cedric nodded, wordlessly wrapping an arm around her as he tugged her closer.

"And that's fine, I don't want to rush you into anything but I wanted you to know my feelings."

"I know Ced." Elle sighed, cuddling closer.

Meanwhile, across the castle in the Gryffindor common room, Gigi sat with Lee, feeling sad and flustered over her recent revelations.

"So what's been having you down, Gigi?" Lee asked, knowing the girl has been battling some inner issues as she had been different and off recently.

"I've been realizing things and I don't know what to do about it so it's been bothering me." Gigi huffed, leaning close as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Come on Gi, talk to me..." Lee encouraged.

"I think I have started to develop feelings for a girl, a friend even, who is obviously so straight that there's no chance for anything to happen and I have no idea what to do. Like I like her, a lot, but I think it's only because she's one of the first girls to really like me, even if it's like a friend." Gigi stammered out as Lee's eyes widened in realization.

"You like Elle...?" Lee wondered out as Gigi sadly nodded.

"I do, and she loves Fred, and likes Cedric, and only has and only will ever see me as a friend and I don't know what to do." Gigi told him.

"Unfortunately Giggi, I don't think there is anything you really can do... except wait to find a girl that you like and she likes you back because you are such a catch, Gi, and you will find someone, I promise." Lee comforted as Gigi nodded.

"Thanks Lee."


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