Chapter 78

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The first day of classes had been an absolute headache-inducing nightmare for Elle. She had become so stressed out within the first day of the term as within the first few days all seventh years had to start taking their mandatory courses while meeting with each house professor to pinpoint their next steps and career moves and what classes they would need to get there and adding it on to their second-week classes, granted they had their prerequisites already.

As if that stress wasn't enough, her required classes were defence against the dark arts, potions, charms, potions and transfiguration. After Elle had spent some time this summer trying to figure out what she wanted to do, she realized she wanted to go into ensuring all wizards and witches were getting proper education from a young age, so with that realization, she figured the only option was to be a professor at Hogwarts or other wizarding schools. With that path, she would need to take the entrance exams of History of Magic, Alchemy, Arithmancy and Muggle studies with the hopes of passing all of them and getting into them.

Elle was incredibly stressed out as she felt she had the weight of the entire world on her shoulders. She wanted to succeed in life and she was passionate about education so she understood the value of having a year of stress as she took 9 courses over the two terms but the classes on top of the head girl responsibilities, her regular patrols, the planning and managing of the prefects for both Gryffindor and Slytherin as Dylan took on the responsibilities of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw so her schedule was completely full.

She was envious of her friends who had half the course work she had, meaning more time spent having fun in their last year while also still being able to go into the career of their choices. Hell, even Fred made her jealous as he only had 3 classes each term.

So, for her first class of the day with Hogwart's new professor, Umbridge, Elle found herself running down the hall in her uniform as she tried to last minute tie her tie and threw one of Fred's sweaters overtop as Hogwarts ran cold.

Just as the final clock chime rang through Hogwarts, signalling she was officially late, Elle ran into the defence of dark arts classroom as everyone turned to stare at her, including Professor Umbridge. She gave everyone a sheepish smile as she spotted Jackson and Olivia sitting at a table of three, trying to stifle their laughter as they waved her over. She quickly walked across the classroom to take a seat with her friends as the professor stared her down with a fake smile plastered on her face.

"Miss.Mackin, is it? Headgirl, right?" Professor Umbridge asked, walking towards the table as Elle slowly nodded in confirmation, "Uh, yes, correct."



"Maam." Professor Umbridge repeated as Elle had enough of her attitude already and sported her own smirk in return as she proudly looked up at the professor from her seat between Jackson and Olivia, "There's no need to call me ma'am, professor, feel free to call me Elle."

Umbridge's face fell as the entire class erupted into giggles, "How humorous, Miss. Mackin. Detention for that remark as well as ten house points are taken from Gryffindor for disobeying dress code."

Elle's eyes went wide at the realization she was getting her first detention, ever, "But Professor! I've never gotten a detention before and I am not even breaking the dress code, I am wearing my uniform."

"With that disturbing sweater on top." Umbridge responded as Elle frowned, looking at Fred's purple sweater she wore before Umbrdiges smirk widened, "And I guess there's always a first. I'll see you tomorrow night after dinner."

"I guess I will." Elle spat, absolutely pissed that this new professor had been here for one day before ruining her record. Actually, she would bring this concern up to Dumbledore to get this scratched off her permanent record.

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