Chapter 52

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After Remus and Sirius' beautiful wedding vows, everyone migrated over to a different tent where the party could really start. There was a buffet of food for people to feed themselves during the night, an enchanted bar to serve you any drink of your desire, and a magical radio that played all of the happy couples' favorite tunes throughout the night.

Elle danced around the floor with her friend group when Remus tapped her on the shoulder. She turned to face her Uncle, bringing him in for a big hug.

"Congratulations Uncle Moony." Elle murmured out.

"Thank you, sweetheart. Thank you to you and your friends for all of your hard work." Remus said back.

"Of course, you and Sirius deserve the best. Though I am upset with both of you." Elle giggled out, withdrawing from the hug as he sent her a lopsided grin.

"You are? Why's that?"

"You made me cry with your vows! I only wish to be half as much in love as you and Sirius are."

"I think you're already there." Remus said, nodding towards where Fred stood a few feet away now dancing with Ginny.

"He is great, isn't he?" Elle dreamily said, looking towards him.

"You two are great together. Like Sirius and I, you both benefit each other perfectly. Of course, you are more like me, so we are obviously the better ones," Remus joked, sending Elle a wink, "But we have our crazy counterparts whom we love and take care of."

"I love you both, so much, but please don't compare my boyfriend to my Uncle." Elle laughed out as Remus snorted in laughter.

"Noted, now come alone, Sirius wants you to meet his family." Remus said, beginning to lead Elle away.

The two walked over to where Sirius stood with three people she assumed were his only family members he spoke to.

"Ah, Elle, darling, you look great!" Sirius gushed, bringing Elle into a hug.

"Thank you, Sirius, I loved your vows."

"Thank you, now your brothers already met them but I would love for you to meet my cousin Andromeda, but call her Andie, her husband Ted, and their daughter Nymphadora, but please call her Tonks if you value your life." Sirius joked as Elle smiled at the three.

"Pleasure to meet you all, I'm Elle." Elle introduced herself, shaking hands with the three.

"Oh, we know all about you sweetie, Remus and Sirius are truly proud to be your Uncles. We have heard so much about you and your brothers Jackson and Nathan. You all seem to be a very talented family." Andromeda grinned at the blonde.

"Awe, that is very sweet of you to say."

"And we heard you're dating a Weasley, hm?" Tonks asked as Elle's face went a tad red.

"Yes, I am. Fred." Elle nodded.

"Well isn't he a lucky lad." Tonks grinned at the girl before the Tonks family dispersed to the party.

The rest of the night all the wedding-goers spent their time by getting drunk, eating great food, and dancing the night away as they knew their happiness could only last so long, and something dark was brewing around the corner. They chose to ignore any bad feelings they may have carried and instead chose to enjoy the moment, Remus and Sirius glad they finally had a wedding, even if it wasn't legal, technically.

That night, Remus and Sirius went on a lowkey trip to one of Sirius favorite places, a Caribbean island where the two spent a few weeks just the two of them to celebrate their new marriage while everyone else went back to the Mackin manor early Sunday morning after a night of partying, and were swiftly sent back to Hogwarts Sunday night to get back to their studies Monday.

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