Chapter 38

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A few days later, Elle found herself bent over her toilet, not being able to control how sick she felt, how weak her entire body was and how she felt like she was on the urge of passing out. Elle hadn't been feeling good the past two days, but she was trying to get better on her own as she wanted to be there when Dumbledore picked the names out of the goblet, in case it was Fred, but her body fought against her, bringing her to where she was today.

Elle slumped against the wall, feeling too weak to even stand up when she heard her door open, and two sets of footsteps walking towards her.

"Elle?" She heard Luke ask, lightly knocking on the bathroom door before he opened it, revealing both Luke and Jackson standing there.

"God... you still aren't feeling good, are you?" Jackson asked, crouching in front of her as Luke grabbed an empty cup filling it with water for her.

"No... I don't." Elle groaned out as Jackson and Luke shared a look of worry.

"Ellie... I think you should go see Pomfrey." Jackson suggested as she quickly shook her head.

" I have to be there for when they call names, in case it's one of you guys, I'm fine, see." Elle said, quickly going to stand up but stumbling forward as her body was far too weak to be doing any quick movements.

"You can't even stand... and you look too pale..." Luke trailed off again, gently grabbing her arms to steady her before she turned around, once again throwing up in the toilet with Jackson holding her hair back.

Once she was done, Jackson helped her stand again before wrapping an arm around her waist to help steady her before beginning to lead her out.

"Jackson... I feel like I'm going to pass out... my visions going in and out." Elle whimpered out before Jackson put his other arm under her knees, swiftly picking her up bridal style as he could see Elle fade almost in and out of being aware of what was going on.

Jackson and Luke practically ran to the Hospital wing, Elle in Jackson's arms under they burst through the doors, startling Pomfrey who looked at the blonde and quickly rushed over.

"Put her down here! What's wrong with her?" Poppy asked, ushering to the empty bed closest to them. Jackson did as he was told before standing beside Luke, watching Poppy check her out.

"Is she going to be okay?" Luke asked as Poppy nodded.

"Yes, she will be. Hold on..." Poppy said, walking quickly to her stash of potions, grabbing water on the way.

She tipped Elles mouth open, pouring the potion in before doing the same with some water, flicking her wand to bring over more water.

"She's dehydrated and undernourished... when was the last time she ate?" Poppy asked the boys as they shrugged.

"She had a migraine for a while... probably two-three days ago... since then she's been holed up in her room, missing classes." Jackson told her as she shook her head at the information.

"Oh poor girl, alright well I can take it from here. Your attendance is mandatory in the great hall." Poppy said, dismissing the boys.

"But what about Ellie?" Luke was quick to add.

"I don't want to leave her." Jackson argued out.

"Sorry dear, family only." Poppy shrugged.

"Screw that! We are family! I am family! I live with her!" Jackson argued, feeling protective over Elle and not wanting to leave her alone.

"No, you are not Mr. Davies! Her brother has already been alerted and is on his way!" Pomfrey argued back, just as Nathan Mackin came running into the hospital wing.

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