Chapter 85

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The memorial statue for Cedric was placed in Hogwarts and Elle saw it first thing in the morning. Her friends refused to speak about it, all of them having so many emotions about the fact that now every day they will be faced with the reminder that their friend who they miss so much is gone. The group sat in an almost silence during lunch, no one wanting to be the one to bring it up knowing that one wrong move and they could have someone crying over it. There were a lot of emotions that stirred up in everyone. Elle had made herself busy all day so she didnt have time to think about it, and Fred hadn't had a chance to get her alone all day to check in on her.

Once Fred finished his classes for the day, he quickly made his way to Elles dorm, wanting to check in on his girlfriend as he assumed today was an extremely hard day for her. He walked into the room to see Elle sitting in her bed, sitting up to see who was there.

Elle let out a sigh of relief to see Fred as she stood to walk towards him, letting him wrap his arms around her in comfort, her whole facade finally fading as she started to allow herself to feel her emotions because she had Fred with her. Cedric's memorial statue was a cruel reminder of the friend she had lost and the injustice that had robbed him of his future.

"Fred," Elle began, her voice trembling with emotion as she turned to face him, "I can't stop thinking about Cedric. It's like I can still hear his voice, and see his smile, and yet he's gone. Just...gone."

Fred's gaze softened, his heart breaking for the pain etched on Elle's face. "I know Elle," he murmured, his voice soothing her, "I know how much you miss him."

Tears welled in Elle's eyes as she spoke, her voice choked with emotion. "But it's not just sadness, Fred," she confessed, her words finally able to express the sadness and anger she felt, "I'm angry. Angry that he's gone, angry that Hogwarts couldn't protect him, angry that... that I couldn't do more."

Fred pulled her even tighter as she said this, rubbing her back soothingly as she began to wept in his arms, his own heart heavy with the weight of her sorrow. "Elle there was nothing you could've done." He whispered, his voice a gentle reminder of her own strength, "Cedric knew how much you cared about him."

Elles anger still burned inside her, "It's not enough, Fred," she insisted, her voice tinged with desperation, "None of this should have happened. Cedric deserved better."

In Fred's arms, Elle allowed herself to release the floodgates of her grief to mourn the loss of her friend and in the injustice of his fate. As tears streamed down her cheeks, Fred held her close, offering kisses to her head as he rubbed her back in an attempt to comfort her.

As the weight of her grief threatened to engulf her, Fred guided Elle to her bed, their steps slow and measured as they navigated the dimly lit dormitory. He settled beside her, pulling her into his embrace, "I'm here for you Elle," Fred murmured, his voice a gentle reassurance, "I'll always be here for you and the group. I know how much it hurt you guys to lose him but I'll always be here."

Elle nestled into his embrace, finding solace in the warmth of his touch. "I know, Fred," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion, "Thank you."

They lay there in silence for a moment, the only sound of the quiet rhythm of their breaths mingling in the stillness of the night. Fred pressed a tender kiss to Elle's forehead, a silent gesture of comfort and love.

"You're so strong Elle," Fred whispered, his voice barely above a whisper "But it's okay to let yourself feel this pain. It's okay to grieve."

Elles tears flowed freely now, her emotions pouring out, "I just miss him so much Fred," she choked out, her voice raw with sorrow, "he was such a good friend and I know how much Liv, Dylan and Ian miss him. I hear Dylan crying all the time about losing him, it's not fair."

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