Chapter 46

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Elle spent the remainder of the week ignoring Fred, and even faking that she was sick so she could be excused from classes.

Elle sat in her room Saturday morning, flipping through her book when a quick knock on the door startled her.

"Come in?" Elle called out as Jackson came barreling in.

"You-" huff "will not-" huff "believe what just happened in the great hall!" Jackson huffed out, obviously had just run here.

"What happened?" Elle asked, sitting up in her bed to face him.

"Fred just went off on Alicia and Katie." Jackson revealed as her eyes went wide.

"He did? Why?"

"He overheard them admit how it was actually Angie who started the fight the other day and that you were merely defending yourself, he yelled at them for lying to him but still Angelina denies knowing anything about it." Jackson rolled his eyes.

"At least he knows I was telling the truth." Elle rolled her eyes.

"That he does... you okay?"

"I'm fine." She said, giving him a small smile, "How'd you even get in here on your own?"

"Oh, George tells me all the passwords." Jackson told her as she grinned at him.

"I'm so happy for you two... you guys seem so happy together." Elle smiled at him.

"We are..." Jackson trailed off before another knock came on her door. Jackson walked over to the door and opened it to reveal Fred.

"Oh, come to apologize?" Jackson asked, glaring at the redhead.

"Yes, Jackson, I am, mind letting me in?" Fred huffed out as Jackson turned to look at Elle to make sure she was okay with it as she nodded.

"Fine." Jackson said, stepping out as Fred stepped in.

"Hi love..." Fred trailed off, walking towards her.

"Fred." Elle nodded, continuing to read her book.

"I am so so sorry for everything with Alicia and Katie... they totally lied to me and I believed them. I should have believed you to begin with." Fred told her as she nodded.

"Yup... but instead you called me jealous and accused me." Elle huffed out.

"I know I did... I am sorry... I can't believe I did that. I should have believed you, you have never lied to me. I am so, so sorry and I will always believe you first. I love you, Ellie, can you forgive me?" Fred asked as she sat up again.

"Will you please stop listening to those three girls? You know they don't like me... but yet you continue to let Angie and her friends tear us apart... I'm sick of it Freddie, I am, I don't know how much longer I can do this for Fred, it's not fair." Elle huffed out.

"I know Ellie, I know, I don't know what comes over me sometimes but at the thought of us breaking up, or fighting, I can't control myself. I love you so much Ellie and I will never believe someone else's word over yours again, and I can't believe I even have to say again. God, I am such a bad boyfriend." Fred huffed out.

", as long as you keep your promise this time, we are fine, but I swear Fred, no more of this okay? I won't keep doing it." Elle said, standing up so she was facing Fred.

"I promise my love, never again." Fred told her as she let out a sigh, wrapping her arms around Fred's middle as he rested his arms on her shoulders.

"I love you." Fred murmured out.

"I love you more."


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