Chapter 40

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A few days had gone by after Fred and Elles spat over the dance, and the two still weren't on the best terms. They acted fine around the group, but everyone could tell there was some animosity, no matter how many quick kisses the two shared.

George knew there was a problem between Fred and Elle as he noticed Fred spending nights in his own dorm instead of hers and needed to ask about it.

"Fred?" George asked, walking back into his dorm to see his twin sprawled out on his bed, staring into space.

"Huh?" Fred asked, sitting up in his bed to look at him.

"What's going on with you and Elle?" George asked as Fred sighed, flopping back down.

"Nothing, she's overreacting over nothing." Fred told him as he sent him a look.

"Over the Angelina thing? She was flirting with you!" George was quick to defend Elle.

"Whose side are you on? You're my twin!" Fred spat out, turning to face him.

"I am your twin but she is my best friend so I have to stay neutral, except now because you are in the wrong." George told him as Fred rolled his eyes.

"Shove off George. She's my friend." Fred defended.

"Like Cedric is hers? Come on Fred, you got to be fair. I listen to you bitch all the time about how you don't like Cedric and Elle being friends, even though Elle has never or would never let Cedric cross the line over friendship, but you continue to let Angelina cause you problems." George argued as Fred let out a sigh.

"I know George, I don't need to hear it." Fred told him.

"Apparently you do, is Angelina worth ruining your relationship?"


"Then do something about it! She's been pissed at you for days!" George yelled at him.

"You're right, you know where she is?" Fred asked, standing up.

"Her dorm with Liv and Jackson." George told him as Fred nodded, giving George a gentle clap on the back as he walked past, heading up to Elles dorm, giving the door a light tap.

"Come in!" Elle called out, watching as Fred walked in.

"Can I talk to you? Alone?" Fred asked as Jackson and Liv both stood, leaving the couple alone as Fred went to sit in front of her.

"Hi..." Fred trailed off.

"Hi..." Elle softly spoke back.

"I hate fighting with you."

"I hate fighting with you, Fred." Elle sighed.

"I'm sorry if I let Angelina cross boundaries. We have been friends for so long it can be difficult for me to realize she shouldn't be doing it." Fred told her.

"I appreciate you apologizing but I can't deal with you constantly getting upset with Cedric and I's platonic friendship when you and Angelina... act as you do!" Elle said as he nodded.

"I know. I'm sorry. I understand I have to respect your friendship with him, and he hasn't done anything to cross a line so I am sorry. I'll try harder to be friends with Diggory. I'll also talk to Angie." Fred told her as she smiled at him.

"Thank you, Freddie." Elle said, leaning in to give him a soft kiss on the lips.

"So are we okay?"

"We're great." Elle smiled.

"Thank god, I miss sleeping here." Fred grinned, climbing to lay beside her.

"Me too, I never sleep well when you aren't here," Elle said, turning to cuddle into his side.

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