Chapter 59

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The week seemed to melt into the same days as Elle had been extremely focused on studying for her midterms, as there was only a small amount of time left before the Yule ball and then going home for Christmas as well as actually performing her prefect duties as she had been really slacking and she knew Cedric could only cover for her for so long.

Cedric had been covering for Elle for her prefect duties for a while, but he understood and knew she was in a bad place in her life and was always feeling really down, whether she admitted it or not. Cedric had gone for many solo walks around the castle for his prefect duties, telling Professor Sprout that Elle always accompanied him in hopes that the blonde got the slack Cedric so thought she deserved.

It was currently Friday night, and Cedric alongside Dylan, Ian, and Olivia, were going to the Gryffindor party. Cedric and his friends walked into the common room to see most of the people already there were wasted, and only getting drunker with every shot or drink they had. The HUfflepuffs soon realized they were all fashionably late to the party as it seems by all the scattered booze bottles around, the party had been going on for a while.

Olivia was quick to bid the boys goodbye, going to find Luke in the sea of people as Cedric's eyes continued to scan the crowd.

"Hm, I wonder who Cedric is looking for?" Dylan teased, lightly elbowing Cedric in the side as Cedric just playfully shook his head.

"Shove off, do you see her or not?" Cedric asked over the loud music.

"Looks like she's right there with Gigi." Ian pointed out the blonde in a sea of people.

Cedric was quick to start walking towards Elle and Gigi, Dylan and Ian not too far behind as the three boys picked up drinks on the way.

"Cedric, you're here!" Elle happily slurred out, tripping over her own two feet as she started walking towards him. Cedric let out a laugh as he quickly reached out to hold on to her and make sure she didn't fall.

"Hey Ellie, you look like you are having fun." Dylan laughed at the girl, beginning to drink his own drink.

"So much fun!" Elle giggled, now leaning her entire body against Cedric as he gently held her up.

"You want a drink?" Ian asked the two girls as they both nodded, watching him now walk towards the drink table.

Elle seemed like she was in her own world as she leaned against Cedric, absentmindedly trailing her fingers up and down his arm that hung loosely around her waist.

"What are you drinking?" She asked, leaning her head up to look at Cedric as he sipped his own drink.

"Vodka and orange juice." Cedric told her as she hummed in delight, "You want some?"

"Yes please." Elle nodded, allowing Cedric to slightly tilt her head back as he began to pour the liquid down her throat.

Dylan and Cedric made eye contact while he was pouring and Dylan looked at him with a large smirk. Cedric knowingly rolled his eyes before bringing his glass away from her face, using his thumb to wipe away the liquid that escaped her mouth as she sent him a cheesy grin.

"Better?" Cedric hummed as she nodded.


Ian was soon back and passed Elle and Gigi their own drinks, which they soon found out was orange juice and tequila before Gigi whisked Ian away to dance with Olivia and Luke while Cedric, Elle, and Dylan were left to continue talking.

"How much have you drank tonight?" Dylan leaned down to ask Elle as she shrugged.

"A lot."

"Gee, really? I could never have guessed." Cedric laughed out as she burst into a fit of giggles.

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