Chapter 27

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A few weeks had gone by of Fred and Elle being together and they were both on cloud nine after their feelings for each other had been brewing for months, even before they were friends. Fred had always found her attractive and wanted to be closer with her and Elle, well, Elle only was upset for him and Lucy hooking up as he was the one she wanted to be with.

The semester was almost at an end, as the kids had already taken their final exams and there were only two days left until they would be leaving to go home for the summer. Elle had made the twins, Jackson and Luke all study with her and she felt confident she did well in her OWLS.

Elle currently sat in the Gryffindor common room with Hermione as the third year explained what happened to the golden trio only the night before with her Uncle Moony and Sirius Black who wasn't a murderer. Hermione continued to explain what had happened the night before and all she could worry about was her Uncle and if he was okay.

"Professor Lupin is fine. I can tell you are worried. That's the end of what happened if you want to go check on him." Hermione said as Elle gave her a small smile back.

"Thank you for telling me Hermione, I'm glad you guys are alright." Elle told her as she soon got up and quickly made her way to her Uncles office. She walked in to see him looking rough and beat up, packing up some of his belongings.

"Uncle Moony...?" She quietly asked, walking into the office.

"Hello Elle. I saw you coming." Remus spoke, pointing to the map on his desk. "I've looked worse, believe me."

"You've been fired?" Elle asked, looking around the room as he packed up his belongings some more.

"No, no. I resigned, actually." Remus responded.

"Resigned? Why?" She asked again.

"Well, it seems that somebody let slip the nature of my condition. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about." He nodded at her as she sadly nodded.

"I do. I've had my suspicions over the year as Mum refuses to talk about it but the full moon and Hermione confirmed it last night for me." Elle told her Uncle as he smiled at her, proud of how smart she truly was.

"You always were the smartest witch I knew. This time tomorrow, the owls will start arriving and parents will not want a, umm, well, someone like me teaching their children." Remus sadly spoke.

"That's not fair! Can't Dumbledore..." Elle started before Remus cut her off.

"Dumbeldore has already risked enough on my behalf. Besides, people like me are, um, well let's just say that I'm used to it by now." He spoke, flicking his wand to pack up his trunk further.

"Why do you look so miserable, Elle?" Remus asked her.

"Everything that happened to you last night was for nothing. I finally got you back in my and Nathan's life and now you're leaving again. This is so unfair..." Elle cried out, feeling upset that she wouldn't see her Uncle every day and would seriously miss the connection and relationship they were building back up.

"Ellie, I am still your Uncle. Just because I will no longer be teaching you in class doesn't mean that you and I will never speak again. Sorry to inform you kiddo but you are stuck with me. Now that your Mum and I are on good terms, I will come to visit you at the manor all the time, okay?" He reasoned with her as she nodded.


"Now in regards to none of it making a difference, it made all the difference in the world. The truth was uncovered and Sirius was saved from a terrible fate that an innocent person would not have deserved. It made a great deal of difference. If I am proud of anything, it is how much you have grown into such a smart and beautiful young lady and how much you have learned and improved this year. I am also happy to hear about you and Fred, you guys make a great couple." Remus told her, causing her to let out an embarrassed groan.

"Moonyyyy, let's not talk about my love life, please." She begged as he laughed at his Niece.

"Fine with me. Just make sure Fred remembers I am literally a werewolf." Remus said, causing Elle to let out a small giggle.

"Now since I am no longer your teacher, I feel no guilt, whatsoever, about giving this to you for you and your friends." Remus spoke, passing the Marauders map to Elle.

"Thank you Uncle Moony, Fred and George will be ecstatic." She said as they both shared a laugh.

"So now I'll say goodbye, Ellie. I will see you soon enough I'm sure. You're Mum is already talking about wanting to see Sirius." Remus joked.

"Ah of course she is. Are you okay, with everything? I heard about what happened with Sirius and I know the two of you have...history." She asked as he nodded.

"I'll be fine, don't worry about me. I'm glad the truth was found out. I guess you were right all along Ellie." Remus said

"I guess I was. I can't wait to shove it in Nathan's face. This is why he should never yell at me." Elle joked as Remus let out a small laugh.

"Sirius said he saw you, at Hogsmeade." Remus brought up.

"I didn't see him anywhere?" Elle confusingly said.

"He was in his animagus form. A black dog?" Remus explained as it dawned on her when she did stop to pet the dog.

"Oh, yeah, I did. I didn't even realize." Elle said as Remus nodded.

"I told him how you were the only kid that did not assume he was bad like all the people say about him. He appreciates your positive attitude. He can't wait to meet this grown-up version of you." Remus smiled at the blonde.

"Well, I can't wait to meet him, again. I'm glad you two have each other again. I'll let you get back to packing. Bye, Uncle Moony."

"Bye Ellie."

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