Chapter 43

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(A/N: Smut scenes this chapter! Beware! Tons of fluff within the friend group, I love them all so much)

After George had finished sobbing into Elle, she was able to help him sit down and talk to him, knowing he just needed a friend.

"Fred hates me." George cried out to the girl that sat across from her.

"He doesn't hate you, George, he could never." Elle soothed.

"I'm sorry, you know? I wanted to tell you guys for a long time, Jackson told me you guys would be okay with it but I was scared." George rambled on as Elle grabbed his hands in comfort.

"I know Georgie, I know. I understand that you would have been scared, I can only imagine how difficult this must be for you, for both of you, but you guys know we are all so supportive right? Molly and Arthur will be so supportive as will my parents. I'm sorry you felt like you couldn't come right out." Elle said, reaching across to wipe George's tears.

"No, no, it's not on you guys. I knew you would be so supportive but I, I just didnt know how to tell you guys, how do you tell everyone in your life that you are all of a sudden bisexual and dating a guy?" George asked as she sent him a small smile.

"Just like that, if you feel comfortable, you just tell them your sexuality and who you are with and anyone that really cares about you, won't care one bit." Elle soothed as he nodded.

"I know, god, I can't imagine how Fred is feeling right now, probably how you feel about Jackson?" George asked as Elle shrugged.

"I'm so happy for you both, so much, and I know it must have been tough to keep to yourselves and the only sadness I feel is I wish I would have been able to be there for you guys while you went through this. I care about you both so much and want you guys to be happy, together, and I am so prepared to defend you to whoever I have to. I love you, George." Elle said as George smiled at her in return.

"I love you too Ellie, so much. Thank you for everything. I'm going to go find Jackson and tell him you two know." George said as she nodded, letting him walk out of the dorm as she let out a sigh, feeling like she was put between Fred and George.

Elle knew that Fred probably stormed off to her room so that's where she went to check first. She walked in to see Fred laying in her bed, staring at the ceiling.

"Baby?" Elle called out, getting him to look at her as she walked over to sit beside him, slumping over on his chest as the two looked at each other.

"Where were you?" He asked.

"Comforting George." Elle told him as he rolled his eyes.

"I understand you are hurt Fred, I know you are, between you and I, I feel a tad hurt as well but George and Jackson don't need to hear how upset we feel because they kept something from us, they need to hear how much we love them and how we support them in whatever they want to do, whether that's coming out or living in secret for a bit more, they need our support. Your twin brother needs you to be there for him, not be upset. If you want to be upset, you can be upset behind closed doors with just me, but when you see George and Jackson, you tell them how much you love them." Elle lectured as Fred nodded.

"I know, I realized I shouldn't have yelled at him but why didn't he come to me? He knows I would have been only supportive." Fred whined out.

"I know. He knows that to Freddie, it's not about you, it's about him, both of them. You see how other gay people get treated in the world, it's a scary time for them, and it's not him thinking you'll react badly, it's him being afraid about everyone else." Elle told him as he nodded.

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