Chapter 35

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The next morning Elle sat at breakfast with Fred and Luke, sipping on her coffee and the three talked waiting for their other friends.

"What classes did you take this year?" Luke asked the blonde.

"The requirements plus herbology and care of magical creatures." Elle told him.

"Did you hear Hagrids teaching that this year?" Luke asked her.

"I know, that's why I took it." Elle giggled as Fred kept looking around the great hall, "Who are you looking for?"

"George. He's late." Fred told her.

"Yeah, he said he and Jackson were running down to the library this morning to grab something." Luke told him as he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank god, okay." Fred huffed out.

"What were you worrying about?" Elle asked him as a sly smirk grew on his face.

"We had to make sure we got a certain book first." Fred told her, "And before you ask, I can't tell you. Yet."

"Fine, keep your secrets." Elle said as Jackson and George came running into the great hall, taking seats beside them.

"Did you get it?" Fred quickly asked his twin as both boys nodded.

"Hmm hm. First ones in the library this morning." George said before turning to greet Elle and Luke.

"Did you guys get the schedules yet?" Jackson asked the group as they all shook their heads just as Professor McGonagall flicked her wand, dispersing all schedules to each student.

Elle was quick to review hers:

Period One: Potions with Professor Snape

Period Two: Charms with Professor Flitwick

Period Three: Defence Against the Dark Arts with Professor Moody


Period Four: Herbology with Professor Sprout

Period Five: Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall

Period Six: Care of Magical Creatures with Professor Hagrid

"Pass me your schedules to see if we have classes together please." Elle asked the boys as they passed them over.

"Well, I have classes with at least one of you except for period five. Seems like you are all in Muggle studies?" Elle asked them, "Thanks for the memo."

"This is our easy class, more time to scheme." Jackson told her as all four guys had smirks on their faces.

"You two have been hanging out too much with Fred and George." Elle joked.

"You're one to talk." Luke sarcastically said as Fred let out a loud laugh, wrapping an arm around her shoulder to bring her closer as he placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Yeah yeah, shut up Luke." Elle laughed as she recognized her family owl flying in, dropping a letter at Nathan's lap before flying over to Elle, doing the same.

"Whos it from?" George nosily asked, looking across the table.

"Looks like it's from my Mum." Elle shrugged, opening the letter.

"Hi Sweetheart,

I wanted to write to you to let you know about my and Padfoot's plans for the wedding as we told you it was supposed to be before Hogwarts. Since everything that happened at the World Cup, we decided to postpone it as your parents are really busy at work, and it's a bad time because... well you know why with Padfoot.

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