Chapter 71

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The next few days Elle kept her distance from Olivia and Luke, not wanting to get involved any longer with their fighting as a couple and not that Olivia really wanted to talk to her either. Luke had thrown himself into his studies, for once, which Elle thought was a good thing as he needed to care more about his grades. Olivia had spent all her time with her Hufflepuff friends, which was probably a good thing as Fred, George and Jackson were pissed off with her for how they viewed her treat Luke and Elle.

Gigi and Lee had a huge Astronomy assignment that had caused them to seclude themselves from the group as they tried to finish it, wanting nothing more than to be finished with school.

Elle hadn't tried to talk to Cedric, Ian or Dylan yet, knowing Cedric was still so hurt by her and she couldn't really blame him... or the two other boys. They were his best friends and she knew if the roles were reversed, Jackson, George and Luke would have treated him the same.

Elle lay with Fred in her dorm on Saturday morning, feeling the peace that Fred brought her as she felt deja vu at the two alone once again in her dorm. She laid with her back to Fred's stomach as he lazily had his arms thrown over her and his face shoved into the crook of her neck.

"I missed this." Fred muttered out as she sleepily nodded in agreeance, "So did I."

The two sat in comfortable silence for a bit longer before Fred started to speak again, "Want to do something fun today?"

"What did you have in mind?" She wondered out, still basking in his grasp as she couldn't think of anything more fun than the two of them locked away in her room together.

"It's a Hogsmeade day... let's go on a date." Fred suggested as she turned in her arms to face him so the two were practically nose to nose, "A date?" She repeated as he nodded, "They opened something new in Hogsmeade and I want to take you."

"Are you going to tell me what it is?" She asked as a smirk grew on his face, "And where would the fun in that be?"

She let out a small laugh at the way he said it before nodding her head and climbing out of bed to begin to get ready. It was still cold outside so she made sure to wear a warm jacket as Fred watched her from his spot in her bed, the two made eye contact through the mirror as she checked herself out and she couldn't help to say "its rude to stare" before the two let out laughs again at the irony of the statement.

"Yeah yeah, you ready?" He asked as he finally got out of bed. She nodded, letting him pull her out of her dorm and up to his where the only person in there was a sleeping George.

"Give me five to shower." Fred hummed out, giving Elle a quick kiss on the head before entering his bathroom.

Elle sat on the edge of Fred's bed for a moment or two as she looked at George's sleeping body under his covers looking all cozy, "He's going to be longer than five minutes you know." George sleepily said as he scared Elle.

"You jerk! You scared me... I thought you were asleep!" Elle pouted out as George opened his eyes to laugh at the flustered girl's expression.

"I would have been if you and Fred didnt come stomping up those stairs." George argued, moving to sit up in bed as she sent him a glare, "Or you're just a light sleeper."

"Abit of both I suppose. What're you two doing today? It's nice to see you two on friendlier terms... back together? Like officially?" George asked her with a yawn as she shrugged.

"Not officially... I feel weird having to be like 'what are we' but it'll happen eventually I suppose. Were going down to Hogsmeade, said he had something fun planned." Elle told him as he nodded, "Thats good... any word from Cedric and them? They haven't even come to the great hall lately."

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