Chapter 82

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A few days later, Gigi sat in the library with textbooks sprawled out in front of her as she was trying to revise for the upcoming exams which felt like it was useless as she kept rereading the same chapter without retaining any information. Her focus got interrupted again as she felt someone sit across from her at the table. She looked up to see George grinning back at her.

"How's my favourite four-foot friend?" George asked as she playfully rolled her eyes, "Shut up George. What are you doing here?"

"I thought I would come to the library and revise." George told her as she nodded, trying to bite the inside of her lip in laughter, "Im surprised you knew where the library even was."

"So was I. I thought in my seven years at Hogwarts, I should come here at least once." George continued to joke as he pulled out parchment and a textbook of his own, surprising Gigi as it looked like he actually intended on working.

"How brave of you." Gigi teased as he rolled his eyes at her, "Yeah yeah, how've you been doing though Gigi? I feel like I haven't checked in on you in a while."

"I've been fine. Busy I guess. Lee and I have been hanging out a lot as all of you couples seem to be really engrossed with each other." Gigi teased as George turned red, "How's that going by the way? You and Jack?"

"It's going good. He's great. I was scared at the beginning it would feel weird because I had really only looked at girls like that before but he changed a lot of me in the best way possible. We're almost done with Hogwarts and even with everything going on in the outside world, he remains a constant positive in mine here."

"That's sweet. It's good to see you both happy. You deserve to be happy. What's your plan for after Hogwarts?" Gigi asked as George shrugged slightly, "I know what I want to do career-wise, Fred and I have the whole shop practically planned out at this point but Jackson and I haven't planned much. Obviously, I plan for him to be in my future but I don't know what that means."

"Have you guys talked about it? Moving in together? His career? Kids? Anything?" Gigi continued to ask as George puffed his cheeks out at how serious the conversation was going, "What is this? An interrogation? He is still deciding on what he's going to do but knows I would support him regardless. I would think that he and I would move in together but I also couldn't picture not living with Fred, at least right now, so Im not sure how that's going to work but we will figure it out as it comes. Kids? Im not sure. We used to say we wanted kids but lately, I think we are both on the same page that we may not be as willing to raise a family like that but instead just be the fun uncles. Funcles if you will." George laughed before turning it to Gigi, "What about you? I know you are still figuring out careers and all that but what about your love life? How's your little crush on Elle? It sort of got swept under the rug a few months ago and we haven't talked about it since."

"Yeah, yeah it did. I was thankful it did honestly, I didn't want it to be awkward or for her and I's friendship to feel weird. I would rather have Elle in my life as just a friend than nothing at all." Gigi sadly shrugged.

"Is it hard?"

"Is what hard?"

"Watching her be happy with Fred after everything?" George asked, wanting to make sure his friend was okay.

"Yeah, it's hard, but I knew when I fell for her that it wouldn't go anywhere. I knew she was straight but it's hard not to fall for her, falling for a Mackin is easy." Gigi shrugged as George nodded, "I know that."

"She was very kind to me and coming from my family and old school, kindness was rare. I think she's a great person but I also know I have to move on, except there is like no openly gay girls here at Hogwarts." Gigi sighed.

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