Death Has Come For You

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**5 years later*

       *Smack* my cheek stung and my face started heating up. My hands went into fists and my eyes darken. I looked at my father and no emotions ran through his eyes. He did not just slap me. Before I knew it my hand went flying and punched my father straight on the mouth.

"You stupid child!" he yelled.

"Father I'm 24 you can't go around slapping me expecting me not to fight back" I spat at him waiting to start fighting.

"You're just like your mother, worthless" he shocked me with that one my mom hasn't been brought up in years.

"Don't you ever disrespect my mother like that she's the only one that's cared for me" I said getting in his face.

"She was a junky, alcoholic, and a dead waste" yelling at me.

       Before I knew it I jumped on my father and started pounding his face in. He swung back but I was letting all my anger out from years holding it back. He some how managed to flip us and he started swing at me. I slithered myself outta his grip and started choking him. As I tighten my arm around his neck he stopped struggling as much. He eventually tapped my arm but I couldn't stop myself. He bit me and got me off from him throwing me to a wall causing a hole in the wall.

"What's wrong with you!" He yelled again at me.

"I'm Angel Cortez your daughter suck it up" I said in his face.

"Stand down Angel" he said through his teeth.

"I member stand down to no man" I said taking a step closer.

"It's an order" he said coldly.

"I'm done taking orders from you, I'm done living in this house with you, I'm done having you drive away everyone I love, I'm done being your pet" I said and turned on my heal and left the room.

       He was calling my name but I just went to my room and packed my bags. I was done being my fathers lap dog and him driving away everyone I love. A year after Axel left the guys and the girls left, a year ago Will left as well and I was stuck with my father. It's been 5 years since Axel left and the love of my live slipped through my fingers. I finally finished packing my back and grabbed my money, guns, and shoes and left. I was still in Russia but I was thinking Italy.

**few hours later**

       I finally landed in Italy and started looking for my friend Ruby. She was running from her pack and my father and I helped her. I saw her at the bar and automatically she went to hug me.

"What are you doing here it's been forever since I seen you" she said bringing me into a hug.

"I need to disappear, I need to get away from my father" I said being straight forward.

"Oh no I can't help you there your father is the most powerful man in the world I'm not going down that hole" she said already not wanting anything to do with it.

"Please Ruby I just need to get out of here" I begged.

"There's a ship going to Columbia tonight hop in it and you'll be outta here when you get to Medellin ask for a women named Blanco and tell them Ruby sent you" she said through her pack mind link.

"Thank you" I mouthed the words.

"To many ears here call me once you're with Blanco" she said through the link.

I nodded my head and left the bar and got on my car. I went the docks and heard for the one going to Colombia. I snuck in the ship and began our journey to the new life. Two days later we finally arrived and let me just say it's hot as hell out here. Once I got there I went to a bar a celebrate me getting this far alive. A lot of guys approached me but they all got turned down. I haven't kissed anyone since Axel left or been with anyone for that matter.

"Hello beautiful" I heard a voice and it brought me back from my thoughts.

"No" I simply said chugging down my shot.

"No? Is that's right you know who you're talking to I won't tolerate that" he said this time as a threat.

"I don't care who you are or what you do just know if you step out of line with me you're gonna wish you hit on some other girl" I looked at him dead in the eye and no emotions passes through our eyes.

"Watch your mouth" he said and walked away.

"Puerco maldito" I said loud enough for him to hear. (Fucking pig)

"A quien le dices puerco maldito. Vieja zorra" he fired back. (Who you calling a fucking pig, bitch)

       I grabbed my gun and pointed it to the bottom of his chin. More men got up and started pointing there guns at me. I smirked and knees the guy in the balls and had him in a choke hold that if he moved I snap his neck. I looked at everyone that was looking at be a just smirked.

"Dile a tus gruarros que bajen las armas, o te rompo el cuello" as I tighten my grip he breaths for air. (Tell your guards to put their guns down, or I snap your neck)

"Soltarlas" he said quickly giving them all a glare.

         They did as they were told and I still tighten my grip around his neck. I shot a bullet up and everyone scattered except the guard. I shirked a told them to take a seat. They listened and didn't even have to look at the guy who was already red.

"Now tell me who your are and why you seem to be important?" I asked realizing my grip. "Oh and don't bother with the guns one of you moves an inch and he dies" I assured them.

"Bluff" one of them said.

        I simply shot the guy in the knew and then bullet went through. They made a move but I pulled the lever on my gun again and they stopped right away. Groans and cries were coming from the guy I just shot. I grabbed a napkin and wrapped it around the top of his knee.

"Now are you gonna answer my questions" I raised and eyebrow and pointed the gun at the guys head.

"So el diputados Romero ayudó a los inmigrantes como tu" he responded between whining. (I'm a deputy Romero I help out immigrants like you)

"I ain't no immigrant, I came here clean" I shot  back.

"Then what's that accent I hear, Italian, Russian, Australian?" He said spitting blood and laughing.

"Russian, but I bet you have negocios on los narcos nadie sale con guarros asta el cuello"I said pressing my gun to his temple. (_____business with narcos no one leaves with guards armed to the neck)

"Ente líjenle salió esta" he said. ( a smart this one)

"You know someone named Axel Lockwood, tall, black hair, structured face, slim, tattoos, red rosy lips" I describe Axel with the main things.

"Sería el señor Caicedo" one of the guard said. (Will it be Mr. Caicedo)

"Angel" I heard a very familiar voice behind us.

          All the guard heads snap to the doors of the bar. They all lowered their heads and I hesitated to look back. I wasn't ready to look at him again and why would he change his last name.

"Let my people go" he said again. Only this time my head did snap at his detection.

"Well well well, if it isn't Mr. Caicedo" I said but my stomach fell into pit seeing the women that was wrapped around his arm.

"Let them go Ange" he demanded this time.

"You have no right calling me that" I said.

         Before he said anything I shot every single guard in the head. I turned to the guy next to me and he was already crying pleading for his life. I saw the look Axel gave me and the girl next to him looked terrified. As I was looking at him in the eyes I pulled my trigger once more. The body fell to the ground and I put my gun on my back. I started to walk to the door but his slut stopped me. Right away I threw a punch and she fell to the ground.

"Aren't you going to do something" she shrieked at Axel.

"No, and you just pissed off the wrong guy" he said giving me death glares.

"Death has come for you" I said and walked away.

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