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Grayson ^^
         Finally school was over and I get to go home. I didn't see Matt at all this whole day or the other guys. I was so close to my car when someone pulled me back by my wrist. Before I could punch whoever pulled me I noticed it was Grayson. I relaxed and out a breath.

"God Grayson you scared me, I could have knocked you out" I said.

"Yeah, but you didn't" he said.

"Yeah I know, you're lucky" I said.

"Apart from that, the mission we have today" he said.

"We?" I asked.

"Yeah, you and me" he said.

"I thought I was doing this alone" I said.

"Nope I'm going to be your backup" he said.

"Did Gary told you to look after me?" I asked.

"Yes" He said.

"He needs to know I can take care of myself I'm the best" I said.

"Ether way he want to keep you safe and I do too" he said.

"Fine but can we just go home I don't want to be here another second" I said.

"Race you?" He smirked.

"Deal" I said.

         We both walked to our cars and got in. We both pulled back and lined up next to each other. We waited for the path to clear and then we were both speeding out of their. Since I knew the town like the back of my hand I knew the short cuts. I opened the gate to the house and smirked when Grayson hasn't arrived. I got out of my car and waited for him to get here. About a minute later he arrived and I had a big smirk on my face. He got out of his car and he walked towards me.

"Not fair" he said.

"What" I said innocently.

"You know this city" he said.

"Then you shouldn't have challenged me into a race" I said.

"Let's get ready" he said.

"But first food" I said.

         Grayson just laughed and we walked into the house together. Everyone was here but Heather and Dominic. Us girls made food for all of us and soon it was four. We all sat at the table and eat. When we were done I grabbed everyone's plate and stared to wash them. I left food for both Heather and Dominic when they got back. When I was done it was five and I still had a few more hours until I had my mission. While I was drying my hands I felt someone watching me. When I turned around I saw Grayson leaning on the door frame.

"Hey" I said giving him a smile.

"Hey" he said back and walked towards me.

"What's up?" I asked.

"About tonight" he said.

"What about it?" I asked.

"The boss said he wants this guy killed" he said.

"Alright" I said.

"I made a little more digging and this man is the father of one of the students at our school" he said.

"Grayson you can't do digging of your own if Cortez finds out you will get in trouble" I said. The boss doesn't like it when we dig more then what we should.

"I know but I know how to cover my tracks" he said.

"Still Grayson" I said.

"Anyway his name is Dylan Griffin" he said.

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