Under Attack

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       It's was Monday and we all had to go back to school. I went to my closet and changed, I also did my makeup. When I was done I was done I walked downstairs to eat something. I got cereal and while I was eating my cereal I had a bad feeling. I had a hunch that something bad is going to happen today. Everyone else walked into the kitchen and in twenty minutes we were all on our way to school.

      When we got to school I got out of Jackson's car and the bad feeling grew bigger

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      When we got to school I got out of Jackson's car and the bad feeling grew bigger. My instinct was telling me that trouble was near and it wasn't going to end well. I guess Mia noticed because she pulled me away from the group to talk to me.

"Ok what's up, you've been acting weird since this morning, what's eating you?" She asked concerned.

"I have this feeling something bad is going to happen, something really bad" I said in a serious tone.

"We have to tell the other" Mia said.

"Ok" I said.

      We walked back and I told them what my gut was telling me. They all told me to relax and that I was still shaken up from what happened in Russia, but I knew it wasn't that. We walked inside the school and we went to class. It was almost lunch and I was happy, I couldn't stand being in another classroom for so long. I went to my locker and the halls were mostly empty since people were getting lunch. Then some came and stood next to me and my locker.

"What?" I said looking at Spencer.

"Ok I know you're mad but listen, I got this bad feeling in the morning and I don't know but something is going down today" Spencer explained.

"Wait, you got a bad feeling this morning?" I asked.

"Yes" He said.

"I also got a bad feeling and my gut never lies to me" I said.

"Ok, what does this mean?" He said.

"I don't know but let's go with the rest we need to figure this out" I said.

       Me and Spencer walked into the cafeteria and we were walking to the group. Spencer and I stopped in the middle of the cafeteria when we saw someone sitting with the group who wasn't a student. They haven't noticed us and Reed made eye contact with me. He slowly shock his head and his eyes said it all. I grabbed Spencer and I walked away.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Something is wrong" I said.

"Who was that?" He asked.

"I don't know and Reed didn't want us to go to them" I said.

"Come with me" he said.

      Spencer started to walk and I just followed being him. We walked towards the parking lot and we went to Spencer car. He unlocked it and opened the trunk of his car.

"Why are we at your car?" I asked.

"Because someone might be here looking for you" he said.

"Why me?" I asked.

"You know why" he said giving me a look as if I should know.

      Spencer turned back to trunk and removed a divider and a bunch of guns, knifes and ammo. He grabbed two guns and gave me one and he got one for himself. I put mine on the waistline of my leggings and I put on my flannel to cover it up more.

"Let's see who paid us a visit" Spencer said.

"Let's go" I said.

      Spencer closed and locked his car and we walked back into the school. We were at the cafeteria and we walked towards the group. Spencer and I sat down at the table and everyone was quite. I stared at the guy in front of us and his brown eyes told me I could trust him.

"Who are you?" I asked my voice sounding strong.

"My name is Logan Pierce and I work for your dad, he send me here to look after you and to help you on anything" he said.

"Tell my father I don't need his protection and you can go back" I said.

"Word travels fast by now half of the world knows you're Mr. Gomez's daughter and you can be in danger" he said.

"I was always in danger, even before I was born" I said so coldly I surprised myself.

"There are six people in here from Patrons gang I already have there names and who they are" he said.

"How did you know about Patron?" I asked.

"Mafia's are bigger then gangs" he said.

"Why did my father send you?" I asked.

"I already told you" he said.

"The real reason, because he didn't just send anyone to look after me and my mom after he left" I said.

"You have to carry on your families legacy, a lot of people want the power your father has and he took a big risk by letting every enemy know who's his daughter is and how to get to him" he said.

"That's legacy isn't mine" I said and I got up and walked away.

       I ran through the hallways and I went to the roof of the school. I threw my bag on the floor and started to pace back and forth. A lot of questions were going through my mind.

Why does he want me to take control?

Why does he care so much?

He was never there for me.

Why does he want me alive?

       After about two hours of being in the roof I got off and waited for the rest to get out of class. I gave spencer his gun and I went home with the rest. I went up to my room and I changed into my workout clothes. I went to the gym we had and I started to workout. About an hour later I was done and I went to the kitchen. Everyone was there and we were talking about Logan. Before we knew it the front door was kicked down and shots were fired.

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