Bad Night Pt.1

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I woke up the next morning and I got dressed. The girls came in and I'm guessing got their stuff because everything was gone. I sighed and I started to get ready. Once I was done getting ready I head to the lobby where everyone was meeting.

       I went down the elevator and saw everyone their

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       I went down the elevator and saw everyone their. Once Mia and Jules saw me they walked away from me. I didn't go after them because I knew they needed time. I then felt someone stand behind me and I was ready to attack.

"Looks like your friends aren't happy with you" the very familiar voice said behind me.

"And who's fault is that" I said crossing my arms.

"Your own" he said.

"Just stay the hell away from me" I said and began to walk away but he grabbed me arm.

       I didn't hesitate to grab his wrist and twist it back. He groaned but he didn't lose eye contact with me. I twisted a bit harder and I pushed him away.

"Next time I'm snapping your wrist" I said in a cold tone.

"I have orders not to hurt you but once I don't have to take care of you like a baby, I will show you who I really am" he said whispering the last part.

"Is everything ok here" I heard Spencer's voice.

"Everything is just fine" Logan said not taking his eyes off mine. "Next time your Prince Charming won't be here to safe you" he whispered onto my ear.

        Logan walked away and I looked at Spencer and I left. The principal began to talk and how we are going to go to the Louvre Museum. That was going to be the last museum we will be at in this trip. I found Will and I told him everything that happened yesterday. I just didn't tell him the moment I had with Spencer. Me and Will walked around the museum admiring the paintings and sculptures. After about three hours walking around we finally had some time to ourselves.

"Ok student you have two hours to look around we will meet back here four" the principal said.

Me and Will went to a cafe called Le Nemours and sat down and eat something. I noticed a very cute guy sitting a few tables away from for us. While Will was talking I looked at the guy and he had brown hair that dangled in front of his forehead, brown soft eyes and a defined features. He had on simple jeans and a grey t shirt that fitted his body perfectly. I then locked eyes with him and he smiled showing his pearly white teeth. I smiled back and looked away and I guess Will noticed.

"Were you playing attention?" Will asked

"Honestly no" I said.

"I'm going to let you have some alone time with the guy behind us" he said.

"But we were hanging out" I said.

"We are only going to be here for two weeks,
I'm going to be with you for the rest of our life's, a few hours to hang out with a guy you like won't hurt" he said.

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