Please Wake Up

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Spencer POV
It's been three days and Angel was still in a coma. Everyone has been feeling down and I think the girls feel guilty. Jules and Mia haven't stopped crying and Will won't talk or eat. I haven't slept or eat in two days. Francisco has been trying to find out where Logan came from and his whole history. As for the school trip everyone left except for us and all thanks to Francisco for convincing the school.

"Spencer" Mr. Francisco called me and I walked towards him.

"I found out who Logan was working for" he said.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Alfredo Patron" He said.

"Of course" I said.

"Listen he doesn't know I know yet and I have a great way to take him down" he said.

"And what is that?" I asked.

"I won't bring you with me" he said.

"And why the hell not?" I questioned my voice getting louder.

"Because my daughter cares about you and if I let you come with me and something happens to you she'll never forgive me" his voice also got louder and demanding.

"I have to go" I said.

"Your father and your brother are going to be with me, they are on their way right now" he said.

"I have to bee there I need to get justice for Angel" I said.

"And that's what I'm doing, you're going to stay here and that's final" his voice was loud and with that he left the room without saying another word.

A few hours later my dad and brother came and Axel went to go see Angel. I know my brother and Angel have a strong connection, a connection I envy. When my brother finally came out his eyes were red and tears were in his eyes. He walked passed me ignoring me and left without a word. I slowly made my way to Angel's room and tears started to build up. Finally a tear escaped my eye and I went to sit next to her.

"Fight Angel, I know your strong please come back to me, please" I said while I was holding her hand.

Angel's POV

"Fight Angel, I know your strong please come back to me, please" a voice said, a voice I know very well.

       I remember everything that happened, Logan, my dad, the club, and Spencer. I was in a dark place and even if I ran it never ended. I had to get out, I have to go back to Spencer. I kept running and then I saw light. I stopped running and walked towards the light. Soon the light turning into the silhouette of a person. I stopped a few feet away from the person and they turned around.

"Mom" I said, my eyes going wide.

"My beautiful baby, god I've missed you" she said opening her arms and I ran to her and hugged her.

"Mom, how can this be?" I asked still in her arms.

"Listen to me, please give your father a chance he may be cold hearted but that's only because he cares, he loves you Angel and leaving us was the hardest thing he had to do" My mom said stroking my hair.

"But he doesn't listen mom, and he shouldn't have left we could have fought through this as a family instead of being separated, it cost you your life mom" I said looking up at her.

"My death wasn't because of your father is was because he was betrayed" she said.

"By who mom?" I asked.

"A man he though he could trust, a man that no one has seen in over eighteen years, someone who want the Cortez's dead" she said.

"Who is me mom?" I asked.

"Your Dad's brother" she said.

"Brother?" I asked.

"Adoptive brother" she said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Your grandfather and grandmother could have another kid after your father. He was lucky to be alive. Your grandmother wanted another son so your grandfather made sure she did. Thomas was 7 and your father was 8. Once they were old enough they were learned about the family business. Your grandfather made the decision to put your father as next in line. Thomas wanted the family business and that only could happen if your father was dead. Thomas killed your grandfather and tried to kill your father. He didn't succeed so your father got rid of him but some how he's back" she said.

"What does this have to do with Logan and me?" I asked.

"Your father needs to give the family business to the first born son but we had you and you're the next one, Thomas still wants power and he wants us all dead. Don't underestimate him when you face him and don't hesitate" she said looking at me dead in the eye.

"What's gonna happen now?" I asked.

"You're going back" she said and before I could say anything a light started to surround me.

"I love you Angel" I head my moms voice but I couldn't see her.

       I heard a monitor beeping and I felt someone's hand on him. I started to open my eyes but the light made me shut them again. I tried again and again until I could see. I turn my head and I saw Spencer sleeping next to me holding my hand. I smiled and I squeezed his hand to try and wake him up. Slowly he was moving and then his eyes meet mine. A big smile was on his face and he got up and hugged me.

"Ow" I said and he hugged me.

"I'm so sorry I forgot" he said letting go right away.

"It's ok, I forgot too" I said smiling at him.

"Everyone is going to be happy you're awake" he said.

"How's Will?" I asked.

"He's ok, I'll tell everyone you're awake" he said and made his way out the room.

       Three minutes later everyone crowed into my room the first person to hug me was Will. Axel then hugged me and the girls followed behind. Once everyone hugged me my father walking to the room. We were staring at each other and then he spoke.

"Leave us" was all he said and everyone made there way outside.

"Where's Logan?" I asked.

"Dead" he said.

"Did you find out anything of him?" I asked.

"He worked for Patron and Mason is here to help out" he said sitting down on the chair and rubbing his temples.

"What's the plan?" I asked.

"You're not going anywhere until you get better and the doctor says other wise" he said.

"I have to go I need to finish this" I said sitting up on my bed.

"Not today" he said.

"He's been trying to kill for over two years now I have to kill him" I said.

"This isn't your fight and you're wounded no you won't go" he said.

"He won't stop till in dead" I said.

"And I won't stop till his dead and I know you're safe" he said.

"But I hav-" I was interrupted.

"You're not going and that final" his voice boomed though the room and he got up from his seat.

       He then turned around and left, leaving me on my room alone. Minutes later a doctor came in to check up on me and he said I still have to be there for out 3 to 5 days. Everyone came into my room and caught me up with what I missed. I was about to go to sleep when someone came into my room. It was Spencer.

"Can I stay here?" He asked.

"Sure" I said and moved over to make a spot for him.

       He laid down and pulled me next to him wrapping his arms around me. I smiled and I slowly started to close my eyes. Soon we were both sleeping.

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