Gone Back Home

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I got on my Ducati and made my way to Will's house. He had left after he'd dropped me off at my house so he wasn't there for the whole news. I was outside of Will's house when I notice the front door was opened. I grabbed my gun and made my way inside the house. Everything was quite and trashed and then blood caught my eye. My heart beat raised thinking of Will. I continued searching the house when I heard footsteps upstairs. I made my way upstairs with my gun still in hand and I saw a silhouette of someone at the end of the hall.

"Will?" I whispered yelled but nothing. I made my way to the room and opened the door quietly. Will's face came into view.

"Damn it Will you scared me" I said putting my gun away.

I then noticed Will was crying, as tears rolled down his cheeks. Then blood caught my attention and I raced to him checking. He looked as if all life was draining from his eyes and face.

"Will are you ok what happened?" I asked trying to figure out where the wound was.

"They're dead" he whispered under his breath.

"What? Who's dead Will? You aren't making any sense.

"THEY KILLED MY PARENTS! THEY'RE DEAD!" He yelled getting up from where he was sitting obviously hurt from his parents.

I turned to the bed and both Will's parents body laid on the bed. A single shot to the head on both but his dad has more bullet wounds on his chest. On the head board was the Italian Mafia's sign. I grabbed Will and hugged him tight. He cried and then finally he lifted his head up.

"Who did this?" He asked me looked at my eyes making sure I wouldn't lie.

"Italian Mafia, coming after my father" I said looking down.

"Let's go kill these motherfuckers, lets be the most feared Mafia in the world" he said with cold all though out his face.

         He wasn't the same lovable Will I remembered, not even after he going the gang and killed people. I guess that's what happens when you lose your parents, I should know. We went back to the house as Will packed his stuff, got money, car keys, his and his parents valuables and finally a family picture with all of us including my mom.

"My father told me to give you this when he was gone" Will said as a tear ran down his eyes.

It was letter just on the back of it had my name on it. I brushed it off and we made our way to my house. We finally loaded the trucks and made out way to my fathers private jet. Thins time it was a much bigger jet then the one before. I told my dad about Will and he agreed that he will come with us. Also since my father and Will's has business together. Finally after hours of flying we finally made it to my father castle. This house is only one of his many houses but he likes it better here. The Prime Minister of Russian gifted my father this house after he save his live not one or twice but three times.

"Alright Angel, Will, and Axel will come live with me the rest will live in my second home" my father demanded hit before I could argue he gave me a look and I just held back my tongue.

Three different trucks came to pick us up and we made out way the opposite direction from the rest. After about 40 minutes we finally arrived at my father house. The drive way was long but it was a beautiful home. It was about two or three sizes bigger that mine. Once the driver parked in front of the doors a butler came and opened the door. Another two opened a gate and we walked through a little garden. We made our way to the door and it was opened by another man. The house was squeaky clean and with maids and butlers everywhere.

"Alright, Axel, Will Dimitri here will show you around the house and your rooms are on this floor, now Angel come with me"

         My father walked me through the house and we arrive at what I'm guessing his office is. He sat down at his desk and I sat down at the chair opposite from his desk.

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