Lessons & Races

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       After my father showed me painting and stories about my mom we went to sleep. I took a shower to help my body relax. When I was done I went into my room and changed into my clothes. My phone dinged meaning I got a text, it was from Ryan.

Ryan: car race, 1 am, you down?

Me: who's going?

Ryan: the twins and your people

Me: be there in 5

       I changed out of my clothes and put on some jeans and shirt. I grabbed my Jordans and walked outside quietly i saw the rest and Ryan took us to the basement. We staid quite because we didn't want to wake up my father. Since the whole house had alarms and Ryan lived here his whole life he knew the safe spots.

"Where are you taking us" Mia whispered.

"Trust me I know this house like the back of my hand" he smirked and winked at her.

        She smiled and I rolled my eyes. We finally made it to the garage and we got into our cars. The guard at the gate let us through since I was his boss and the only one that will see us. We followed Ryan as our cars roared down the city. We left the city and we got to an abandon town. Music, light and cars could be seen right as we entered. Ryan talked to the main person and let us in and drew numbers on our cars. I had a 2020 McLaren and as far as I can see everyone had European cars, exotic cars to be exact. Everyone on there cars and the rest of the people stared at us, seeing as we had American cars. We parked and we got out of our cars, people kept staring and I've had enough.

"What do you people want!" I yelled and it seemed people got mad. I popped my hood and Jackson plaid music.

"What are you doing?" Ryan said grabbing me by the arm.

"They kept staring it was either I yell or I start dropping bodies" I said out loud with made my people look at us.

"This isn't your territory any more" he raised his voice.

"I'll get my own territory with or without you" I said taking a step closer.

"You really don't want to do this, you'll regret it daddys little girl" he spat at me and he drew a line he wasn't suppose to cross.

"You better watch your mouth Asshole" Grayson said standing next to me.

"Enough this is stupid" one of the twins said standings next to Ryan.

"Are we going to have a problem" Mia said and everyone stood with me.

"You're out numbered, you won't win this one" Julie said.

"Fine have it your way" Ryan said.

"You guys sound like bitches fighting over a boy" some guy said and all of our heads snapped to him.

"And who are you?" I said crossing my arms and standing my ground.

"Baby girl you don't wanna disrespect me, this is my town" the guys announced and everyone else cheered.

"Not for long" I said back at him and he was taken back.

"Fine, I tried to be nice but how about a little deal" he smiled but it was a creepy smile.

"What kind of deal?" I asked.

"You two race me, winner gets my people, cars and throne, you both lose you leave forever and do as I say for a month" he smirked.

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