You Have No Idea Who I Am

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        I woke up the next morning and I changed into my clothes. I did my makeup and I went down stairs. I grabbed an apple and then I went down to the basement. My father was down there and I was going to get some answers off from him. I opened the door to his cell and he was sitting on a chair tied up. I look off the bag over his head and he looked at me.

"You knew my mom had me, why kill her until I left?" I asked.

"Because I send Cortez to you and once I knew you were in good hands I killed your mother she wouldn't train or want any part of the mafia so she ran away with you. Once I knew you were old enough and didn't need of your mom I killed her so there wouldn't be any distractions" he said in a calm voice.

"You are a heartless monster" I said.

"I needed someone to take over the family business, once you kill me you are going to take control of the biggest mafia family in the world" he said smirking.

"Why would I take over the family business?" I asked.

"Because it's in your blood, you are a Gomez and you were born for that" he said.

"If I die everyone will know you're my daughter and will want to take my place, you can not let that happen it's all yours after I'm dead, and the people won't stop till I'm dead" he said.

"And mom?" I asked.

"You're mom was messing up the whole plan" he said.

"Did you even love her?" I asked.

"Of course I loved your mother but being a very powerful mafia leader means you can't let yourself love anyone" he said.

"And you got rid of her just like that" I said.

"You were the one that was important not her" he said.

"She struggled for fifteen years I suffered for three years and where was my dad when I needed him, he was in Russia hiding and messing with other gangs that I'm involved with" I said.

"You had to suffer so you can be strong just like me" he said.

"Go to hell" I said.

"I'll met you down there" he said.

"So what makes you think I'm going to take over the family business" I said

"It usually goes to the first son but I had a daughter and you have to it's tradition and if you don't take my spot you will die before you now it" he said.

"Let's say I do take your spot, I won't stay here and now that Cortez is dead all my friends going to join the mafia, and your routes and everything will be changed, everything you build will be changed to the way I say" I said.

"It's your kingdom" he said.

"For now it's yours" I said and took out a knife out of my boot and cut my father lose.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Cutting you lose, you want to die that bad I'll just let someone else kill you" I said.

"This doesn't change anything, I'll still try to take down Volkov and any gang or mafia that gets in my way" he said.

"But if it involves me I won't hesitate to pull the trigger and bury you six feet underground" I said.

"You're even better then a son" he said.

"Get out" I said coldly.

"We'll met again soon" he said.

"I said get out" I said louder this time.

"You're a Gomez, you will always have to watch your back and you will always have a bullseye on your back" he said.

I didn't respond I just closed my eyes and took a deep breath in. I opened my eyes and my father was gone. Anger and sadness build up and I picked up the chair and I threw it and I yelled. I walked back up but everything was quite, a bit to quite. I grabbed a gun and walked into the kitchen. No one was there so I walked to the living room and everyone was tied up. Who ever did this had there backs turned to me.

"I see you haven't change Angel" he said.

"Turn around" I said my voice loud and demanding.

"Gladly" He said and turned around smiling.

"Theo" I said and gripped my gun tighter.

"Angel" he said.

"What are you doing here, Cortez is dead" I said.

"Even with Cortez head or alive we would have had this talk this way" he said smirking.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"To make you suffer" he said.

"Let them go" I said.

"Let's start with, ah I know weak, pathetic Juliana" he said holding a knife to her throat.

"Don't you dare or I will kill you" I said as my vision became glossy.

"If I just press hard enough she will bleed faster" he said.

"Stop it ok" I said putting my hands up and putting my gun down.

"Angel don't do it" Juliana said as I put my gun down.

The guys struggled to get loose and there yells we're muffled by the tape. Theo smirked and he let go of Juliana. He started to walk toward me with caution. Once we were eye to eye we looked at each other and then he walked behind me. He pulled me hair back and his face was inches away from my neck.

"You're finally vulnerable and I have you wrapped around my finger" he whispered onto my ear and I turned around smiling at him.

"Did it ever occur to you that you have no idea who I really am?" I said and then I leaned onto his ear and whispered "I'm the Angel Of Death, death has come to you" I said and I stabbed Theo with the knife I had.

"Well plaid" he said

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"Well plaid" he said.

"You do not mess with my family" I said.

"I won't be the only one looking for you or the one that wants you dead" he said.

        I grabbed my gun and I shot him right on the forehead. His lifeless body fell to the ground with blood coming out. I turned around and I started to untie everyone. After that incident Mr. Volkov changed locks and hired more security. I told Volkov what my dad said but we'll have to go back. We were leaving tomorrow morning so I packed my bags and got ready for tomorrow. I laid in my bed and soon drifted into a deep sleep.

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