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       It's been two days since I woke up from my coma and I feel a lot better. Everyone told me what I had missed out. At this point I was ready to kill Patron and make him pay for everything he has done to me. Only thing is my father won't let me go with him on the mission, but I have to be there I need to make him pay. Tomorrow we were all going back to our house and school. Dominic and Heather said they have something to tell us.

       I was in my room when I heard a knock at my door. I walked towards the door and opened the door. There stood Spencer leading on the door fame. He looked up at me and he hugged me. I didn't hesitate and I hugged him back smiling. He let go and he rested his hands on my shoulders.

"I thought I'd lost you" he said in a low voice almost a whispered.

"But I'm here aren't I" I said smiling a little.

"But what if you didn't come back" he said again.

"I will keep fighting and I will always find a way back to you" I said.

"I'm sorry" he said.

"For what?" I asked.

"For everything I did to you, I know I was an asshole and you're not going to forgive me but I'm sorry for everything I did I really do care about you and I know you won't forgi-" he started babbling.

         I cut him off my kissing him and he kissed me seconds later. Me pulled him into my room and he closed the door with his leg. He then turned me around and I was now up against the door. I locked the door and Spencer picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist still not braking the kiss and we moved to my bed. Spencer laid me down and I was tugging on his shirt. He got the message and he took off his shirt. He then took mine off also following with our pants and underwear. He stopped and looked at me straight in the eyes.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

I smirked and nodded. He reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a condom. He slipped it on and he began to go inside me. I bit down on my lip and the pain turned into pleasure. After about an hour we were both laying next to each other out of breath. I looked at Spencer and I smiled and he smiled back. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. Soon I drifted off to sleep with a smile on my lips.


I woke up the next morning to knocking at my door. I slowly opened my eyes as they were adjusting to the light. I felt an arm around me and I saw Spencer next to me sleeping. He looked so peaceful and adorable, and then knocking brought me back from my day dreaming.

"Angel Gomez if you don't open this door immediately I will knock it down" I heard my fathers voice though the door.

"Spencer wake up" I whispered yelled. If my father finds me and Spencer like this it's lights out for Spencer.

"Huh" he said as he was waking up.

"Angel open this door" my dad said and Spencer eyes shot open.

In a moment Spencer got out of my bed and started to get dress. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around myself and I pushed Spencer into the bathroom. I went to go open the door and my dad looked pissed.

"I'm sorry I was about to get in the shower" I said.

"Oh, I'm sorry and I wanna talk to you before you leave" he said and he walked away.

"Ok" I said before he could he out of ears length.

I closed the door and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Spencer open the door and I started to laugh.

"This isn't funny I could have died" he said jokingly.

"No you wouldn't" I said and walked towards him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. He kissed me and I kissed back. Then my towel fell and Spencer looked down at body and smirked. He leaned in and kissed my lips and he pulled me closer to him. I pulled away and smiled and he looked me in the eye.

"Now get out I need to get ready and so do you" I said.

"Oh come one we were just have a moment and we could stay a few minutes more" he said.

"No and we have a jet to catch back home" I said as I started to push Spencer out my room.

         Before he could say anything I shut the door and went to the bathroom. I showered and I got dressed. I got all my bags and brought them down to the living room. I went to my dads office and knocked.

"Yes?" I heard his voice thought the door.

"It's me father" I said as I opened the door to reveal myself.

"Have a seat" he said putting down his pen and looking at me.

"What did you wanna talk to me about?" I asked.

"About Patron and what's gonna happen" he said leaving back on his chair.

"Ok, what is it?" I asked also leaning back on my chair.

"You will be coming with us but you will follow every order I give you and you'll behave" he said.

"I've been waiting for this day to come don't be surprised when I don't follow your rules" I said crossing my arms.

"You will or someone might die" he said.

"He will be the only one that will die" I said and stood but and walked away before I could go off on him.

"I'm just warning you" he said before I left.

        We were all on a jet back to Ohio and it was a bit cramped in there. All we did was watch movies and try not to kill each other when we're getting bothered. I moved to the back of the jet because I needed a break. Minutes later someone was sitting next to me. I turned and saw Spencer sitting next to me.

"What's up?" I asked.

"What did your dad say?" He asked.

"He said he's letting me go with him on the mission, but I have to follow everything that he tells me" I said rolling my eyes.

"You really should" he said.

"Now you're on his side" I said.

"No, but he's right Patron is very dangerous and very powerful so don't underestimate him" he said.

"I know and I'll be ready" I said grabbing Spencer's hand and interlocking our fingers together.

"Promise me you'll be careful" he said looking at me dead in the eye.

"You'll be there by my side" I said smiling.

"Actually I won't only you and Axel get to go on the mission" he said.

"I promise I'll be careful and I'll be back" I said smiling.

I hugged Spencer and we went back to the main deck. After a long flight we were finally home. I went to my house and Spencer went to his. I walked into my room and I put my stuff down. Since we got here late everyone was tired and ready for bed. I laid in bed thinking of all the possibilities that could happen with Patron. In two days my dad is gonna come and the mission will begin. Patron has done so much damage I'm ready to see the moment life leaves his eyes. After a while I finally fell asphalt with Spencer in my mind.

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