They Want You

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         Finally Friday, and also game night for the football players. So apparently Bryan has joined the football team and my father is gonna go so we all have to go. Great way to draw attention with bodyguards all over the game. It was lunch and we were all sitting at a table talking. Before I knew it Spencer plopped down and the last empty seat and we all got quite.

"What are you doing here?" Reed asked with an annoyed tone.

"Sitting down, what else" he reported in a duh tone.

"Leave" Grayson said with pure anger in his eyes.

"And why would I do that, I'm with my friends aren't I?" Spencer said with a smirk a obviously trying to get under everyone's skin.

"We are not your friends, and you can't come here expecting everything to be ok after what you did to Angel" Mia spoke up.

"Probably the best choice I made while I was with her" he said with darkness in his eyes looking straight at me. I felt my eyes sting because apart from everything that was what really broke my heart.

"Leave Lockwood or it will end badly" this time Jackson speaking up. Why are they defending me.

"Shut up Jackson, like you've never thought of banging this hoe" he said and that's when everyone got up from table including me.

         The first person to actually do something was Julie, she punched Spencer so hard he feel from his seat almost knocking out. In the distance I saw Denis and Cameron, Spencer's friends, walking towards us. They stopped a few steps from Mia and Julie.

"What he'll is wrong with you bitch" Cameron said which made the whole cafeteria go quite.

"Don't call her a bitch, and that asshole deserved it" Bryan said walking towards Julie. I think he likes her.

"Back off new kid" Matt said. Another one of Spencer's friend and my worst enemy.

"You back off Matt you have no business here, now take your friend and leave, and also you're out numbered" I said with my famous death glares and soon Denis and Cameron helped Spencer.

        After they walked out of the cafeteria we notice people's eyes were still on us but Grayson told them to fuck off. The rest of the day was boring and just getting glares from Denis and Cameron, because Spencer and Matt we're gone. When we got home we did our own business until we had to leave. Everyone was taking there own car because there was an after party after the game. I had taken my BMW i8 and this car is one eye stopper to everyone. When we arrived we made our way to the bleachers.

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"I'm gonna go get snacks want anything?" Grayson asked me

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"I'm gonna go get snacks want anything?" Grayson asked me.

"Get my a hot dog, sprite, and chips please and thank you" I said giving the order to Grayson.

"So this is a high school football game?" Michael asked. Since I'm guessing he grew up actually in the mafia and never went to school.

"Yea a bunch of loud obnoxious people yelling when they don't know what's going on" I said since it was true. More than half the people here didn't know what was going on.

"Mostly the girls" he said laughing.

"Especially then" I said.

"Angel" I heard my fathers voice.

"Father, come sit" I said and he sat next to me.

"The reason I'm here is because there's a new recruit and I'm personally here to see them" my father said looking around the crowd but not me.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Can't say" he said and then finally looked at me and then over my shoulder to Michael. He got up and left.

"Why do that?" I say as I see Michael leavening the bleachers.

"This person isn't a student it's a man that picked this specific place for the meeting" he said quickly explaining to me.

"Why here?" I say mostly to myself but I guess my dad answered either way.

"Public, kids around, witnesses I guess but during half time you will all leave but keep a close eye when that guy comes he was suppose to come during half time" again he explained.

"So I'm guessing we are here for back up or more like the disposable ones" I said rolling my eyes and paying attention to the game.

"I would never do anything to put you in harms way" he said raising his voice.

"But you'd put my friends in danger who have been the only family that's been there for me" I said coldly and he was taken back.

"Hey Angel I got your food" I heard Grayson say and the rest were starting to sit down.

         My dad turned his attention to the game and everyone settled. By the 2nd quarter we were being by 6 points, meaning we needed a touchdown to tie. It was 10 minute until it was half time and my father told us to move seats. He also told us to stay near incase he needs our help. I walked to her a drink and then I was gonna be by the gate near my father. Minutes passed and then a man had sat next to my father. I kept a close eye but didn't for anything that would expose us.

"Everyone run he has a gun!" I hear people screaming from the bleachers.

I held my gun and got closer to get a better aim. When everyone ran away and there weren't really people I shot the first fire. I shot the guy in the leg and he shot my father in his shoulder. My eyes widen and I ran to my father, as more shots were being shot. I got by his side and I ripped his shirt and wrapped it around his shoulder to prevent from the wound to bleed more.

"What do we do now?" I asked in a panic waiting for his decision.

"Kill them all" was all he said and I got up shooting at the rest.

        After the gun shoots died down I ran to my father and he was unconscious. He still had a pulse but he had lost a lot of blood so it was a weak pulse. Michael kneels down next to me my father and he starts to pick him up. He slowly came back to his senses but still weak. We all joined together and made out way to the cars.

"Angel" I heard someone call my name and I turned around. I didn't wanna see him not like this and not today.

"What are you doing here?" I asked walking towards him.

"Angel what are you doing?" Grayson asked as I was walking.

"It's ok go" I said waving him off and the rest but I only heard a few steps leaving.

"I heard about what was gonna happen today" he explained as I saw some of his bodyguards apear. I stopped in my tracks when they were seen.

"And why are you here?" I asked.

"Make sure nothing happens to you" he said with a smirk.

"Why would you care about me?" I said again taking a few steps closer, alert because of the bodyguards.

"Because they want you dead" was all he said and chills ran down my spine, knowing he was kind of right.

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