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By the time I got out of my shower I made my way downstairs. My father was talking to all the men and only Grayson was there. Once they saw me they stopped talking and my father walked towards me.

"Ángel, you and i will be interrogation Patron, but you also have a mission with Grayson" my father says while putting his arm around me and pulling towards the rest.

"What kind of mission?" I asked.

"We will be having three quest come out here and stay here. Two are brothers and the other well he's somebody I've known my whole life" my father shortly explained.

"What do we have to do?" I asked.

"You, Grayson and the two brothers are gonna make a drug exchange. I have some traidores and since they don't know you they'll try to rip you off, don't let that happen" he said looking straight at me and Grayson.

"Yes sir" both me and Grayson said at the same time knowing my father is serious.

        Me and my father walked down to the holding cells under the house. Two guards were at the entrance of Patrons cell. My father opened the door and we both walked in. Patron was tied up to a chair and still knocked out. Right away my father punched Patron which made him wake up. He started looking around and then his eyes landed on my father and I. But then he fixes his gaze on me.

"I see Dylan didn't get to you" he said in a raspy voice coughing a little bit.

"He's dead, now who do you really work for because there's someone else" I said in a serious tone and a bit threatening.

"I don't answer to you" he said and he spit on my face.

Right a way I punched him twice and he spit out blood. My father stared asking him questions and multiple hits in between. Once we knew he wasn't gonna talk we got ready for the torture part. My fathers guards brought in a table of different things to use, and the first thing my dad was gonna use was a hammer.

"Tell me who is in charge!" My father demanded and Patron just laughed so my father hit him on his hand with the hammer. "Who else do you work for?" Nothing again so my dad smashes the hammer on one of his fingers.

"This won't get any easier and it's better to talk" I said as I pick up the one that looks like pliers but it's use to cut off fingers. "Who's really in charge!" I said again and held the pliers between his fingers.

"You wouldn't dar-" his sentence was cut short when I sniped his finger and yelling was heard all around.

We kept this up until I had chopped all fingers from one hand. Sooner or later he'll start talking because he can't last anymore. We then moved on to his toes and this is were her was gonna talk. We chopped off three and before we can chop off the forth one he talked.

"Fine! I'll tell you just please stop" he said pleading.

"Who else in charge?" My father asks.

"Someone very close to you, someone you might even call brother" Patron looks and my father smirking and there was something in my fathers eyes.

Someone he could call brother? I thought to myself but the memory from what my mom had said came up. I knew who was behind all this. And no wonder he knew so much about us and about me. I turned to my father and spoke.

"I know who it is" I said looking at him and he nodded.

"Go I'll take care of him" my father said and walked back upstairs.

I pulled Mr. Volkov to the side and asked him about my uncle and how he was involved in all this. And let's just say it's very interesting.

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