The One And Only

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        The next morning I woke up and got ready for school. Yes I know I haven't been at school in a while but I had to go. Now that patron is dead his people will start showing signs. I got done getting dressed and walked down stairs to eat something.

"Morning guys" I said and I walked in the kitchen

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"Morning guys" I said and I walked in the kitchen.

        The girls hugged me and I grabbed a plate for my food. Everyone was here except Ryan  and my father. I wanted to see Axel before I went to school so I got in my car a drove to the hospital. As I was pulling up I saw a car I didn't notice. As I was walking into the hospital I walked fast and grabbed my gun, as I was getting closer to Axel's room. From the window I can see someone, a man, he was standing next to Axel's bed. I got to the door and it was slightly open so I squeezed in and pointed my gun at him head. As my gun locked he put his head up but still not facing me.

"Who are you? And why and you here?" I asked in a demanding voice as I put the end of my gun up to the back of his head.

"Hello, Angel, it's a pleasure finally meeting you" he said his voice had a heavy accent.

"Who are you?" I asked again.

"You know who I am" he responded and then he turned around and he looked familiar, almost like my father. And in that moment I had remembered what my mother had said while I was in a coma and my eyes widen.

"Thomas" I said as I hold my gun tighter around my hand.

"Put the gun down I'm not armed and I'm not here looking for trouble" he said putting his hands up in surrender. I lowered my gun but still had it in my hand.

"What are you doing here?" I asked again.

"I wanted to talk to you about your mother" he said taking a seat on one of the chairs.

"My mother, why?" I said crossing my arms standing tall.

"Because I, at one point loved your mother" he said

"Did she love you?" I asked curious as to if it's a possibility that he might be my father Incase my mom cheated.

"She was so set on and in love with your father that she would feel anything for me" he explained quickly. "I always envied your father because he had your mother, but that was until our parents died and something in Francisco just changed" he added to what he had said.

"How did my grandparents die?" I asked aging and I saw sadness in his eyes.

"They went missing for a week and you father and I were hiding. In that week my parents were tortured over and over again just so they will give up our location. Until we received a box with both our parents head inside" he paused and then continued talked. "That really messed us both up and I was the oldest so I was taking over but my obsession with finding my parents killer for the best of me. Francisco was more worried about money coming in through the business. He tried to kill me for the family business and that's when I disappeared" he said looking at me as for an answer to all of this.

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