Jackson No!

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        After I had left Thomas and what he had told me, we all meet up at my house. Michael had a doctor come and check on me Father. He had the bullet removed from his shoulder just missing a main vein. Once my dad woke up I was going to tell him about Thomas and what he's been telling me. While I was walking out of my fathers room I saw Mason with Spencer.

"Um hi" I said standing a cross from them.

"Is your father ok, what happened?" Mason asked.

"Come on let's go to the living room, he's asleep right now" I said making my way to the living room. We walked in silence but there was still a hint uncomfortableness around us.

"He was going to meet with a person who was going to help us but he ended up shooting him and into the crowd" I said explaining shortly.

"Ok I'm gonna head home that's all we wanted to know" mason said again walking away leaving me and Spencer alone.

"You're going to the party tonight?" Spencer finally spoke breaking the tension in the room.

"Yea we all are" I said getting ready to leave but he grabbed onto my arm.

"I wasn't done" he said his eyes black and no emotion in them.

"I was, now let me go" I said trying to pull my arm away but he only tightened his grip.

"Let her go, or we're going to have problems" I heard a voice behind me and both me and Spencer turned out heads. It was

"Prince Charming coming to the rescue every time, don't you know that I had her first she loves me" Spencer said with venom on ever word that left his mouth.

"First of all I'm no ones, second LOVED, and third this is going to hurt" I smirked and before Spencer can react I kneed him in the balls. Once he leaning at eye level with me I smirked again and punched him straight on the nose. "And I don't need anyone rescuing me I can take care of myself just fine" I said and walked passed Ryan.

I had an hour before we left for the party and I was getting ready. I was finally done with my makeup, hair and outfit. I looked at myself in the mirror one last time and texted the group chat I have with the girls. I grabbed my leather jacket and my phone and headed downstairs.

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