Normal Day

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I woke up the next morning and I showered. I packed the last stuff I had out and I picked up my bags and went downstairs. Dominic was the new leader of the gang. Because of everything that happened we let our guard down with Patron. We all drove to the privet jet and we got in. After many hours of sitting we were finally back. I went to my room and unpacked everything. It was only like noon and a Saturday.

"Angel!" I heard my name being called from Mia's room.

I walked over to Mia's room and Juliana was in there. Mia's room was messy because of the things she had unpacked. I smiled and I went to sit on her bed. She was looking at something on her phone and she was probably going to show me.

"There is a party at the beach tonight" Mia said.

"We got back like an hour ago, how did you find a party in that time?" I asked.

"Actually fifty five minutes and I found out yesterday" Mia said.

"Let's go, and we need swim suits and a nice outfit for tonight" Juliana said.

"Let's go to the mall then" I said.

"Eeh" Mia and Juliana squealed.

They both put on there shoes and I grabbed my keys. We drove to the mall and tried to find everything in time. At two we drove back home and got ready. I took off my makeup and tied my hair up. I packed my extra clothes, makeup and hair stuff. Once I was done we all drove to the beach in separate cars. Once we got there people were already there. We found a stop and put our stuff down. The guys were taking off there clothes and then it turned quite. The guys were checking us out while we took off our clothes.

"Close your mouths or sand might get in" Juliana said.

"Sorry girl" Reed said.

"Hurry up so we can go in" Jackson said.

"You go in" I said.

"What ever" Jackson said.

Me and the girls were done and we tired our hair. Before we knew it we were all pick up by one of the guys. They screamed and laughed at the same time. The guys ran to the water and threw us in and they let themselves fall into the water. We laughed and we started to swim around. After a good time in the ocean we decided to leave. We washed off at the shower and we went to change. At the party everyone from school and other schools were there, but mostly our school.

"Mia" I heard Will's voice.

"Hey Will" I said.

"You're here too" he said.

"I deserve a normal day after everything" I said.

"Yeah, we all do" he said.

"Let's go get a beer" I said noticing Will didn't have a beer.

We grabbed a beer and we danced together. I then found the girls and danced with them. Mia pointed out a guy that was checking me out. He was cute and I smiled at him which made him smile back. The guy walked towards me and I smirked.

"Hey" he said.

"Hi" I said smiling.

"What's a beautiful girl like you doing here all by herself?" He said smirking.

"Waiting for a good looking stranger to ask me to dance" I said putting my hand on his chest.

"Would you like to dance?" He asked.

"I thought you would never ask" I said.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the dance floor. In the pool of people I noticed Spencer looking at me. He was shooting daggers and the guy I was dancing with. I moved closer and closer to him and watched Spencer's reaction. I leaned into the guys ear and whispered onto his ear. I whispered for him to follow me.

        I grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the crowd. We went to the shore and it wasn't far from the party you could still hear the music like if it was next to you. I noticed a shadow moving and I knew it was Spencer. The guy grabbed my face and leaned down. His lips connected with mine and the taste of alcohol hit my mouth. After seconds I pulled away and lock eyes with the guy. I noticed Spencer wasn't in the shadows anymore. I got on my tippy toes and I kissed the guy again but this time with a bit more heat. He then moved down to my neck and he tried to pull down my shirt but I told him not to.

       He did it again and I started to get annoyed. He did it again and this time I took a small step back. He looked confused and he tried to kiss me again but I put my hands in front of him.

"Come on" he said trying to get close again.

"Back off" I said putting my hands up again.

"Come one you were asking for it when you kissed me" he said.

"That's the thing I just kissed you" I said.

"Come on stop being a prune" he said.

"Prune, excuse me, you have no idea who you're talking to" I said.

"Just be quite and enjoy the ride" he said kissing me again.

       He kissed me again and held me tight. I struggled to get off his grip and once I was going to do something he was already off from me. A very pissed off spencer was on top of the guy beating him up. I pushed Spencer off the guy and he stood up.

"Let that be a warning if next time you want to mess with what is mine" Spencer said.

"Spencer calm down" I said putting my hands of his chest.

"Don't you ever touch or look at her ever in your life unless you have a death wish" Spencer said in a serious tone.

"Spencer" I said louder and he finally heard me and looked down at me.

"Did he hurt you?" Spencer said.

"No he didn't" I said.

"He better not" he said in a quieter voice.

"I could have handled that without your help" I said.

"Can't you just appreciate what I did for you" he said.

"I do, but you don't have to come and fight my battles every time I'm in trouble, I'm in a gang I have killed before I know how to fight" I said.

"You just don't see it do you, because you were making me jealous you were making out with some guy and almost got rapped" he said.

"You were the one who started this I was just giving you a taste of your own medicine" I said crossing my arms.

"What are you talking about?" He said.

"You and Tiffany were making out at school a week later we had our fight and the motorcycle accident" I said.

"What happened to never loving me or ever loving me, you hate me" he said.

"I do, but you love me and you seeing me with someone else hurts you" I said.

"It hurts you too" he said.

"No because I don't care" I said.

        Before I knew it Spencer's lips were on mine. In seconds my hand wrapped around his neck bringing him closer to me. My hands traveled up to his hair and I gripped on it softly. We both pulled apart and we just looked at each other.

"See, you like me" I said.

"And you like me back" he said.

"No I don't" I said.

"Then why kiss me back?" He asked smirking.

"Got caught in the moment" I said.

"Yeah, that's why" he said smiling.

        He's smiling. It's a real smile and I love his smile. After that we went our separate ways and I went home. I took a shower and I kept replaying the kiss with Spencer over and over in my head. I went to bed thinking about Spencer.

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