Moving Out

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        It's been a while since the whole fight with Luca and Lacey. And by that I mean long, long, while. Everyone kind of drifted off from that, also since Dominic has been giving us missions everyday now. We all just don't have time for each other. Some are off of school, some don't show up at the house anymore, and no one want to go to parties and have fun. Suddenly there was a knock on my door.

"I'm coming" I said sighting and making my way to the the door. I swing the door open and bright blue eyes appeared, following some winter white hair.

"Hey Will" I said with a smile.

"Hey Will? That's all I get after going awol on me" he said crossing his arms and making his way to my room.

"I'm sorry Will, Dominic has been working our asses off and my dad hasn't shown up since the whole incident with Spencer and his father" I explained. I think he believed me cause the rest of the guys would be busy as well.

"At least send me a text even if it's the middle of the night just so I know" he said.

"Now, what you got of me?" I asked meaning to catch me up on the new deeds of school.

We talked since it's been about month since we talked. My stomach started growling loudly and Will and I went to go get food. We went to buttercup and ordered our food.

"Hey Angel" Will called for me and I looked up from my menu.

"What?" I asked.

"Isn't that Spencer?" He said pointing behind me.

"I don't know I can't see, is he with Tiffany?" I asked.

"No he's with three men" he said trying not to look over at he table.

"Suits, or regular clothes?" I asked trying to figure out it's it's a deal going down, or some type of drug deal.

"Actually both, except one seems to be Spencer's bodyguard" he explained.

"Probably a business deal?" I said questioning my answer.

"Maybe, one of them is handing Spencer a backpack, and Spencer is handing the other two guys an envelope" he said quickly and made his way back to his menu talking into it.

"Wait we're in north side, Spencer's south side, what's he doing here. He can't be here I used to do business for the north side they ain't nice" I said and right away motorcycles and cars could be heard in the distance.

"We got problems" I say and out my menu down and take Will to the opposite side of the restaurant away from the door.

"What's going on?" Will questioned me.

"Saving is a turf defense is about to happen so here, take the gun and be ready to shoot" I said handing Will a gun from my purse.

"Damn women, you got a tank in that thing!" Will said exclaiming.

"Nope, just grenades" I said watching his reaction. Dumbass.

"Oooh you were kidding, right" he said sounding unsure at the end and I just smirked. He turned a bit pale and that's when the gun shots started.

Thank god there was not a lot of people a buttercup only about 5 tables not including Spencer's and ours. Gun shots were going off left and right, both the men Spencer made business with are dead and Spencer and his bodyguard are nowhere to be seen. Will and I defended the place and took out a few people. Once the north side saw they only had a few men left they got on there motorcycles and cars and drove of. I hope no one saw who I was I thought to my self.

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