It's Time

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Well today is the day and I woke up with a heavy feeling in my chest. It was 8 in the morning and I got into a cold shower. I got dressed for the mission and walked to the meeting room. Everyone was there except Mason and Axel. Dad and Luca were going over the plan and then Mason and Axel walk through the door.

"Geez dad could've at least let me put on a shirt" Axel said as water dropped from him perfectly sculpted abs.

"Like the view ladies" Axel said smirking and winking at me.

"Yes" I heard Lacey from behind me.

"No" I said the same time Lacey spoke.

"Guy let go over this one more time" Mr. Volkov says and we all huddle close together.

After going over the plan again I can't shake this feeling that I have. We were getting ready and I was getting guns and knives with me. I grabbed my custom gun, I said my little prayer and turned around to leave. I then bumped into someone's chest and I looked up to see eyes I didn't want to see.

"What?" I said in a boring tone.

"Can you let me explain?" Spencer asks me.

"I don't know you have 1 minute" I said and started counting in my head.

"Look it was how it looked like she came in the bathroom and I was already in there and well she started to flirt and I was gonna tell her you were my girlfriend but she kissed me" he said and his eyes never met mine so I know he's lying.

"20 seconds" I say.

"Really that all your gonna give me?" He said trying to put his hand on my shoulder but I backed away.

"15 seconds" I said. "Also you're lying" I finally said and I can see in his eyes he got caught.

"Fine you know what we're done, for good, this is all too much at the moment" he says and with that he leaves the room and leaves me with a broken heart one again.

        This time I felt cold and hallow and only a single tear escaped me eyes. Anger again builds up and punch the bag and I can feel my eyes turning black from anger. I make my way to the cars and get in. We were all in black bulletproof suburbans and ready to end this one war for good.

"Are you ok?" Axel whispers next to me.

"Fine" I said not looking at him but focusing on what gonna happen in the next 15 to 20 minutes.

"Ok we are 10 minutes away from Patrons house, let the bloodshed begin" Mr. Volkov says and we all get ready.

"Keep your head straight" Axel whispered again on my eyes.

"My head is straight" I said and smirk knowing I'll get to let all this anger out on my enemy.

"So that's the famous face the Angel of Death makes before a mission" Luca says smirking.

"That's only one and that's her game face not even close to the one when she actually kills someone" Axel's says and he isn't completely wrong he's actually right.

"Good luck you two, you make a good team and we will all get out of this alive together" Lacey says and we all turn to look at her weird. 

"What?" She says

"I'm used to hearing kill them all, or don't get killed, never good luck or encouraging words" Axel's says.

"It was just something my mom would say" Lacey says looking a bit sad.

"Lacey enough" Mr. Volkov says from the passenger seat.

        By the time Mr. Volkov told Lacey off we were pulling up to the street where Patron lives. I grab my guns ready to shoot anything that moves. And with that the gun shots when off. We hopped out the truck and began shooting the guy at the front of the house. The driver that was with us drove the truck through the gates and people were already waiting for us. We shoot the few that were at the front of the house and move in the house.

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