From Bad To Good

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        Two months went by and we did small missions here and there. School was almost over and there was a field trip for the seniors. We were going to Paris for two weeks and we were all going. It was six in the morning and me and the rest of the girls were running around trying to pack the last of our stuff. Once we were done we made our way to the school.

"Angel hurry up!" Mia yelled from downstairs.

"I'm going!" I yelled back.

I walked out of my room and walked down stairs where everyone was. We walked outside and Dominic was putting our suitcases in the van. Once everything was there we made our way to school. We got our stuff from the van and put it in the buss that will take up to the airport.

"Ange" I heard my name being called. I turned around and saw Will.

"Will" I said and walked towards him.

"Are you exited?" He said as he hugged me and I hugged him back.

"Of course she is, we'll finally get a break from missions and death" Mia said next to me.

"Thanks Mia for answering for me" I said.

"No prob" she said smiling and I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Can I get everyone's attention please" the principle said and we all turned our attention to him. "Alright, when we get to the airport you will all be separated into groups of ten to fifteen. Find a chaperone and they will be with you through out this trip. Further institutions will be given once we land." He finished and some of the football players cheered.

"Come on Ange let's go sit together" Will said.

At the corner of my eye I saw Spencer and his friends. I haven't see Spencer often in the past two months. I got on the buss and sat with Will. After a boring ride to the airport we finally got there. We had to pick groups and Mia, Jules, Reed, Grayson and Jackson stood in a group. Will joined along with Spencer, Denis and Cameron. Since we were ten we staid as a group. We got on the plane and we were off to France.


Finally we arrived in Paris and it was cold. Another buss came for us and we went to our hotel. Everyone got there rooms and me and the girls got to share a room. We went to our room and two beds were there nicely made. Me and the girls smiled at each other and jumped on the bed. I went out into the balcony and saw the beautiful view we had.

"Wow" Jules said next to me.

"Who'd knew Paris was this beautiful" Mia said.

"It's wonderful" I said.

"This is going to be the best two weeks of our lives" Mia said happily.

"Let's rest up we have a whole day ahead of us" I said and walked back to the room.

For a while we watched movies and ordered room service. I was out in the balcony and my phone rang meaning I got a message. It was from Logan, but I never gave him my number.

Logan: your father will be here tomorrow and he wants to met with you

Me: I won't met with him

Logan: its an order

Me: he isn't my boss nor my dad

Logan: you ether met with him or he'll start to drop bodies. Your choice.

Me: fine

Next Morning

We all woke up and got dressed. We were going to go to a museum today and me and my father will met there. Once we got to the museum I left the group and went to go look for my father. I saw him standing looking at a painting. I stood next to him and noticed his bodyguards keeping a close eye on me.

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