Getting Respect

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Francisco's POV

"The the fuck are you doing here Thomas" I said still pointing my gun at him.

"I came to worn you, the people that killed our parents wants us dead, they want the Gomez family extinct" he said moving to a chair a sitting down.

"What did you tell my daughter, why did you come see her now?" Lowering my gun but still had it in my hand.

"Because I wanna us to be a family again, I don't wanna see my only brother dead and my niece, I never wanted to be head of the Mafia I just wanted you to see all the shit you've done, because of you we are in a war you started many years ago" and with my I flopped down on my bed and sighed.

"I didn't mean to kill the boy, I had to do it an know that if I didn't the war would've started a long time ago" I said slowing. I had killed the only son of the Italian Mafia, that was 18 years go before Angel was born.

"I know you had to kill Esther, and couldn't hide her or Angel" he explained reminding me or what I did and had to do.

"But Angel disappeared until you two had an enemy in common, Patron, I also had been keeping up with you and Angel, but we have to put our differences a side and work together to defeat them or they'll end out family" Thomas got up and fixed his suit.

"Think about it baby brother, do this for Angel" he pat my shoulder and walked out of my room.

That's night I couldn't sleep and kept everything up and working. I had to dig up more things about my parents death. I was up all night trying to figure out a clue.

Angel's POV

It was the following morning and I woke up to yelling at the house. I heard Lacey and Mia arguing, oh no this can't end well. I made my way downstairs where everyone was trying to calm the girls down.

"What the hell is going on here" I said loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Your little friend here accused me of making out with her date from last night" Lacey exclaimed and Mia shoved her phone in my face. Right away it's Lacey and Mia's date from last night.

"Ok clearly you can see it you" I say crossing my arms.

"Ok so what if that it wasn't like you two were dating" Lacey smirked and Mia blacked out.

"That's it" Mia said and started charging at Lacey.

Mia dodged Grayson and jumped on Lacey making them fall to the ground. Mia was punching Lacey but Lacey was also fighting back. I let them go at it for a while until I told Reed and Grayson to pull Mia off. Mia had blood coming out of her lip and Lacey had blood coming out of her nose.

"You're going to pay for this" Lacey said and she walked towards Luca.

"You asked for it Lacey, you know who we are" I say in a cold tone.

"Yes but I'm a better assassin then all of you combined" she challenged.

"Is that so, wanna go again and this time I'll let you get ready" Mia said walking towards Lacey but got held back by Reed.

"Im better trained, and I don't black out and so stupid shit" Lacey spat her words at Mia.

"Alright enough, you two are in my house" I finally say getting tired.

"And who said you're the leader here, and get to boss us around" Lacey sassed at me.

"Honey you're living under my roof under my fathers orders" I said turning to her.

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