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I woke up the next morning with my leg in pain. I removed the blankets from my body and sat on the side of the bed. I tried to stand up but the pain shot all through my leg. I whined in pain and cursed under my breath. I started to my bathroom and I grabbed the first aid kit. I took off the bandages and replaced them. I then heard a knock at my door. I opened my door and it was Reed.

"Hey Reed" I said.

"Angel what happened to you?" He asked.

"I fell off my motorcycle while I was chasing another gang" I said.

"Where you with Axel?" He asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"Because he's here" he said.

"Ugh, can you help me I can't really walk" I said.

"Yeah come on" he said.

Reed wrapped his arm around my waist and I put my arm around his shoulders. We started to walk and the pain just continued to shot through my leg. The stairs were the worst of them all, finally we got to the living room.

"Axel" I said.

"Shit Angel" he said.

"Thanks" I said.

"Anyways I brought back your bike and I fixed it" he said.

"It's only nine in the morning, did you stay up all night fixing it?" I asked.

"Yeah" he said.

"Well then, thanks" I said.

"Yeah no problem" he said.

"How's Spencer?" I asked.

"When I got home he was gone" he said.

"Oh" I said.

"And my dad sends this your way because of the job" he says handing me thousands of dollars.

"Thanks" I said.

"I have to get going I have training" he said.

"Ok bye" I said.

"Your keys" he said giving me my keys.

"Thanks, all see you around" I said.

       Axel walked off and the door closed. I walked to the kitchen and and saw all the guys. I said good morning to them and they said good morning to me. I told them about the mission but not about my dad. Heather has a mission today with Mia and Jackson. I haven't seen Dominic around the house so he must be at the HQ. I'm not going to school until I can walk, well at least on my own.


One Week Later

I have been at home stuck all week doing nothing. Today is finally the day I can go back to school. I picked out my outfit and did my everyday makeup. Once I was done I walked downstairs where everyone was at.

"Morning guys" I said.

"Morning" everyone said.

"Ready to go back to school?" Mia asked.

"A little yeah, I have been bored here for a week" I said.

"I can only imagine" Jackson said.

"Tell me about it" I said.

"I'm leaving I have to be early at school for cheer" Juliana said.

"Wow cheer huh" I said.

"Yeah I tried out last week while you were here" she said.

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