Fights & More Then Friends

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         In the morning I was waken up by my father knocking at my door. I looked at the time and it was 8 on the dot. I groaned and then my door swung open.

"Get up and get ready you need to be at school 15 minutes early" my father said pulling the blankets off my body.

"Fine, fine I'm up" groaning I got up and went to the bathroom.

I showed and made my way out to my room to do my makeup. I did a natural makeup and for my outfit, I put on a Jean skirt and a regular thrasher tee. As for my hair I grabbed hair product and scrunched me hair. I turned in my blow drier and let my curls form. I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs.

"Morning everyo-" I remembered the guys staid in a different house and it was just Will eating. "Morning Will, how'd you sleep?" 

"Eh I've had better nights, oh there's coffee on the pot I know we went to bed late" he said taking a sip from his mug.

        We talked for a bit and then Ryan showed up in the kitchen. I rolled my eyes and told Will that we should head out. He got in his Challenger and I got in my BMW. We drove to our new school and met up with the rest in the parking lot. Different type of cars all over the parking lot and most of them expensive. All eyes were on us like always and then we made our way inside as the bell rang. We all got our scheduled and left to different spots of the school.

"For today's lessons guys I want you to write a five page essay on-" I interrupted the teacher and she didn't look happy.

"Hi I'm Angel I'm new here it's my-" I was then interrupted by her.

"The American" she said with hatred.

"Is there a problem with who I am" I said crossing my arms, easing my eyebrow and looking dead in the eye of the teacher.

"There always is" she said under her breath but everyone hears and started laughing.

"The mames Angel Cortez Garcia" I said bring up my two lasts names. Everyone in the room had fallen into silence so has the teacher.

"Cortez" the teacher her with a breath. "I'm sorry for any problems we've caused" she said almost pleading.

"That's more like it, now carry on with the lesson" I said walking towards the back of the class.

         I set my book down in front of some girl and I told her to move by moving my head. She picked up her stuff in a panic and moved to the second row. I sat down put my stuff down and tried to pay attention to the lesson. I got a text from Mia and it was about Grayson.

Mia: Grayson. Fight. Now

Me: where at

Mia: upstairs to the left and then a right

Me: omw

       I raised my hand and I asked the teacher to be excused and she let me. I picked up my stuff ran outside and made my way to the top floor. I heard yelling and I ran faster I then heard a body drop and Mia squeal. I turned the corner and I saw Grayson on top of a very tall and very buff guy. I began walking and Mia walked to me trying to explain what happened.

"Grayson was trying to sit next to me by telling a kid to move and then this guy walks in the classroom and put his hand on Grayson, Grayson turned around and slammed the boy on the desk and I guess you know what happened next" she said outta breath and I chuckled.

"Ok that's enough Gray he boy is out" I said walking towards them but he won't listen.

"Grayson enough!" I yelled this time he stopped and looked at me pissed off.

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