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I opened the cell where Tiffany was sitting on a chair with a hood over her head. I began putting in out torture devices but knowing her she'll break easily. I walked behind her as she was whispering and scared her.

"You know your going to have to tell me either way" I said rudely and she just whispered.

"I have nothing to do with what happened to your friend" she said whining as I tighten the ropes on her arms

"You will tell me everything I want to know" I said smirking.

        Since I wanted to leave something Tiffany would remember me by, I started by tying her to some chains that were hanging from the ceiling. I grabbed a knife and she whimpered at the sight of it. I went to her back and ripped her shirt from her back.

"No! My favorite shirt you've ruined it!" She yelled as the fabric ripped.

"Next it'll be your face if you don't shut up" I said in a treating voice. "Just tell me what I wanna know and I'll let you go and won't have to kill you" I said again and Tiffany's face went pale.

I waited a few seconds and nothing, so I went and grabbed a freshly sharpened knife. Tiffany started struggling and chains rattled through the room. I went behind her and she started crying again. I pressed the knife to her back and she let out a scream and continued crying hysterically.

"Please don't do it I'm begging you please" she begged turning her head half way trying to face me.

"You know what you have to do" I said again and nothing so I finally pressed down and dragged the knife down her back.

She let out a scream that could be heard all through out the house. She cried some more and I continued cutting her back. I'm surprised she hasn't passed out, so I moved on to the next torture. I got a wood stick and there were a lot of slit at the top, which made it open up more.

"Please no more, please" she said weakly only hanging by the chains.

"Tell me the truth what happened to Jackson" I said loudly getting mad and starting to black out.

Before she could speak I hit her back and made her scream and arch her back. She cried and I kept hitting her.

Mia & Julie POV

We had Tiffany's minions in a room next to where Angel was. Mia was the one that was asking questions and if they didn't answer they'd get punched. I just watched because I still can't believe they shot Jackson and we don't know if he will survive or not. The door opened and Angel's dad walked in both my and Mia moved out of the way and he walked towards the girls. He towered over them and you can see them burring themselves into the chairs.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked in a cold voice and the girls shock there heads. He smirked and bend down to eyes level with them. 

"I'm not the one you wanna have problems with, I'm Francisco Gomez, head of the Russian Mafia, and my daughter Angel Gomez the second in line after I'm gone" he smirked as to there reactions were priceless.

"No be a good sport and tell us everything" he said in an evil voice.

"It was Spencer, but he said he'd kill us if we did or told anyone" Tears rolled down their faces.

"Now that wasn't so hard was it, now I'll perfect you because Spencer works for me and he knows he doesn't got a chance against us, Mia, Juliana take them upstairs and try to calm them down" he ordered and we did what we were told.

Francisco's POV

        Once I told the Mia and Juliana to take the other girls upstairs I head to where Angel was. Cries and whimpering were coming from the other side of the door. I walked in and I saw Angel punching the girl out cold. She turned and I could she her eyes weren't there homey brown but black. Like father like daughter.

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