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***2 years***

It's been two years since I saw Axel and after that day I only staid in Colombia for a few days. The next day after what happened my head was up for money so I had to leave. I moved to Mexico and I became the biggest head of the Michoacán cartel. Today I was supposed to met with some knew providers mainly because their empire is falling apart and can't work on it's own. Nobody has ever seen my face or thinks I'm the head of the cartel. I only met with the people when I know I can't trust them.

"Ma'am Caicedo is here" my right hand Francisco told me and we walked to my meeting room.

I reached the room and I sat down and everyone got quite. Someone cleared their throat but I didn't look up. Once I got everything in order I finally looked up. And a saw a pair of eyes I never thought I'd ever see again. I smiled and leaned back on my chair, the face he put made me smirk.

"Let me guess, your business is crumbling" I stated the facts and laughed at the end.

"I didn't know you ran this place" he said back.

"Not what I asked Axel, and it's Miss Gomez for you" I said smirking again. All of my guard looked at me knowing his first name.

"Look I just need some money pay off my debt and I'm done" he explained quickly and he looked desperate.

"Listen here Lockwood, you're nothing to me and I could care less about your situation, leave before I change my mind and kill you right here" I said and once I said that my guard took out their guns.

"Mia, Jules, Jackson, Reed, and Grayson are all here" he said and stopped mid track.

I stuck my hand out and my guards but their guns away. I remember all the memories we had they felt like ages ago. Will popped into my head right away and wanted to ask for him but I had a feeling.

"Will died when we tried to escape, he sacrificed his life for us" he said.

My blood boiled and I took out my gun and ran to him. I pressed my gun to his head and fear flashed in his eyes. I studied him for a second and then dropped my gun.

"He died for nothing, you shouldn't have dragged him down" I said with my gun still in hand.

I got a revolver from my guard and I took out the bullets. I only let one in and then I turned the barrel. I gave it a few turns before closing it and setting it on the table. It's time for my game.

"Let's play Russian roulette" I said smirking. He looked worried.

"Seriously" he said.

"Yes, now I'll go first if I get shot kill him and you all know who stays in charge" I said to my guard. "If you die then oh well, but if you get lucky I'll let you in until your debt is gone and that it no more chances" I said and I looked at him once more. "Deal" I said firmly and stuck my hand out.

"Deal" he shook my hand and I put the gun to my head.

I pulled the trigger and nothing empty barrel. I handed it to Axel next and I pressed it on his head and pulled the trigger. No bullet. My luck. I turned on my heal and walked off.

"You know what to do Francisco" I told him and my guard followed me.

         I went up to my gym and started beating the shit outta of the punching bag. I only stopped until one of my guard stopped me. I looked down and my knuckles were all bloody and red. I whipped the blood off my knuckles and changed clothes. We went down to the dungeons and started interrogating the city's major.

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